

Interest Group chartered November 2017.


The name of this organization is the History of Statistics Interest Group (hereafter called the “Interest Group”) of the American Statistical Association.


The objectives of the Interest Group are the following:

  • to bring together individuals and groups who have an active interest in the history of statistics;
  • to promote and support research into the history of statistics at all levels;
  • to further the use of the history of statistics in education;
  • to encourage the historical perspective among statisticians and related professionals; and
  • to contribute to the program of the annual Joint Statistical Meetings and selected meetings of the American Statistical Association and other professional organizations.


In support of the Interest Group’s objectives, the Interest Group will perform the following functions:

  • Plan an appropriate session on the History of Statistics in cooperation with the Association’s Joint Statistical Meetings Program Committee.
  • Plan other activities that support information exchange, networking, and education.


Membership in the Interest Group is open to anyone interested in the history of statistics.

Members of the Interest Group do not have to be ASA members, except for the Chair and Chair-Elect.

There are no dues to be a member of the Interest Group.



The officers of this Interest Group shall consist of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Past Chair, Program Chair, Program Chair-Elect, and the Secretary.

The terms of all officers shall be one year, except for the Secretary, which shall be a two-year term.

The Chair and Chair-Elect of the Interest Group must be a full ASA member to facilitate communications.

The Chair is responsible for the Interest Group Annual Business meeting at the JSM. The Secretary is responsible for taking minutes at the Interest Group Annual Business Meeting and maintaining a roster of the Interest Group members. The Program Chair is responsible for the Interest Group program at the JSM meeting.

The Chair and Secretary are responsible for submitting a triennial request for re-chartering and updated charter of the Interest Group to the Council of Sections Governing Board.

The Chair or the Chair’s designee shall serve as the non-voting representative to the Council of Sections.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the current Chair, the Past Chair, the Chair-Elect, the Program Chair, and the Secretary. The Executive Committee will manage the affairs of the Interest Group. All members of the Executive Committee vote.

No officer shall be eligible for immediate re-election to the same office except the Secretary. The Chair-Elect and Program Chair-Elect shall automatically succeed the Chair and Program Chair, respectively, at the annual change of officers, which shall occur on January 1.

If the office of Chair becomes vacant, the Chair-Elect shall become the Chair with the term extending through the following year. Vacancies in other offices shall be filled by appointment by the Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee.



The Past Chair shall serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee. The Chair will also nominate two persons to serve on the Nominating Committee.

Each year, the Nominating Committee shall submit no later than September 1 nominations to be filled to the Secretary and the Chair of the Interest Group. In addition, any Interest Group member nominated by petition of five or more members of the Interest Group shall also appear on the annual ballot, provided that the petition is presented to the Secretary and Chair of the Interest Group by September 1. Balloting shall be carried out by the Past Chair for electing Interest Group officers and completed by November 1. Ballots shall be sent to all members of the Interest Group.



The annual business meeting of the Interest Group shall be held in connection with the annual Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) and shall be announced in advance, preferably in the program for the JSM. Business may also be conducted with the Interest Group members by mail, email, telephone, or other electronic means. Meetings shall follow Roberts’ Rules of Order.


The Interest group may publish a brief news article for Amstat News when deemed appropriate.


Amendments to this charter may be proposed by the officers of the Interest Group or by petition signed by at least 15 members of the Interest Group and submitted to the Interest Group Executive Committee. The proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Interest Group Executive Committee for a vote at the time of the annual election of officers. If approved by a majority of the Interest Group Executive Committee, then the amendment is approved. An approved amendment shall be effective immediately, unless otherwise specified in the amendment itself.