Last meeting:
Robert Powell, The Abduction Monitoring Project: Research Design and Protocols
Wayne Drews, An Introduction to Cluster Analysis (12MB)
Past meetings
December 13, 2006 -- 2006 annual meeting and Christmas party
November 8, 2006 -- George Strong, "Statistics in the Pharmaceutical Industry"
October 6, 2006
September 28, 2006 -- Tom Sager, "In Praise of Monetary Unit Sampling"
February 21, 2006 -- Ray Marr, "Is Acceptance Sampling Obsolete? Acceptance Sampling and Mood's Theorems"
December 13, 2005 -- Maxwell Stinchcombe, "Identifying Forecasters' Motivations"
June 22, 2005 -- Statistics Roundtable Discussion
April 29, 2005 -- Robert McCullogh, "BART: Bayesian Additive Regression Trees"
February 24, 2005 -- Pat Brockett, "Information Theoretic Approaches to Probability and Statistics: A Unifying Philosophical Approach"
January 25, 2005 -- William Cooper, "Goal Programming and Data Envelopment Analysis as Methods for Estimating, Planning and Evaluating Organization Performances"
December 13, 2004 -- politico-legal statistical problem
November 15, 2004 -- Ron Harrist, Kay Kimball, "MULTILEVEL STATISTICAL MODELS"
October 20, 2004 -- Mark Hughes, "The Use of Statistics in Government and Public Policy"
September 13, 2004 -- Paul Damien, "Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods"
April 7, 2004 -- Bill Smith, "Statistics as an Enabling Discipline"
March 18, 2004 -- Ray Marr, "Reflections on an Overuse of Randomization in Test and Selection Procedures: SUPPLEMENTAL STATISTICAL REFINEMENT, A Simple Method of Splitting Points in Rank Tests"
February 24, 2004 -- Mel Hinich, "A Statistical Theory of Signal Coherence"
January 26, 2004 -- Patrick Brockett, "RIDIT Analysis"
November 13, 2003 -- Paul Tobias, "Roadmap and Tools for Assessing Reliability"
October 23, 2003 -- Bob Mason, "Future Trends in Statistical Science"