Membership in the Austin chapter of the ASA is open to anyone. You do not have to be an ASA member to be a member of the Austin chapter. Dues are $6 per year (January -- December) and may be paid either through your national dues or to the chapter Treasurer.
Our email distribution list includes all people who would like to be informed about the activities of the chapter, whether they are members or not. To be added or deleted from our email list at this time, send a message to the chapter Secretary.
This is not a discussion list, but an announcement list. Only the officers can send messages to the list. As a general rule, you'll receive at most a few messages a month on it. If you have a suggestion for something to be sent to the list, please send it to an officer. If you would like to participate in a discussion list, please make the suggestion to the chapter officers; if there is enough interest, we will begin a discussion list.
If you know additional people who might be interested in our work, we can add them to our email distribution list. Ask them to look at our web pages and ask to be included on the list.