

The Statistics in Imaging Section of the ASA cordially invites submissions for the student paper competition for research on statistical methods, theory, or software development for the analysis of imaging data. The selected winners will present their papers in a topic-contributed session at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Nashville, Tennessee on Aug 2, 2025 – Aug 7, 2025. The first-place winner and runners-up will also receive a cash prize of $1,000 and $500, respectively.


To be eligible, the student must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Be a degree candidate at an accredited institution in any term during 2024.
  • Be a current member of the Statistics in Imaging Section of the ASA and be able to present the paper at JSM 2025.
  • Be the first author of the paper. The paper must not be published or accepted for publication at the time of submission.

Application materials

The deadline for your application is November 15, 2024. Formal applications should be sent to the Statistics in Imaging Program Chair-Elect, Mark Fiecas, at with the following four attachments in PDF format:

  1. The applicant’s Curriculum Vitae;
  2. An unblinded version of the manuscript with no more than 25 pages, inclusive of the abstract, figures, tables, references, and any supplementary materials;
  3. A blinded version of the manuscript;
  4. A letter from a faculty member familiar with the student’s work. The faculty letter must include a verification of the applicant’s student status, confirm that the student is the first author, and describe the contribution of the applicant to the paper.

Selection Process

The award committee will review the papers, and winners will be notified by December 15, 2024. Papers are scored for 1) statistical novelty, 2) innovation and significance of contribution to the field of application, and 3) professional quality. Students may submit papers to no more than two ASA sections and may accept only one section’s award. Students must inform both sections they applied to immediately when she or he wins and accepts an award, thereby removing the student from the award competition for the other section.

Please send questions regarding the Statistics in Imaging Section student paper competition to Mark Fiecas (


The Statistics in Imaging Section of the ASA cordially invites submissions for a student paper competition for research on statistical methods, theory, or software development for the analysis of imaging data. The selected winners will present their papers in a topic-contributed session at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Portland, Oregon, Aug 3, 2024 - Aug 8, 2024. The first-place winner and runners-up will also receive a cash prize of $1,000 and $500, respectively.


To be eligible, the student must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Be a degree candidate at an accredited institution in any term during 2023.
  • Be a current member of the Statistics in Imaging Section of the ASA and be able to present the paper at JSM 2024.
  • Be the first author of the paper. The paper must not be published or accepted for publication at the time of submission.

Application materials

The deadline for application is December 15, 2023. Formal applications should be sent to the Statistics in Imaging Section 2024 Program Chair-Elect, Dehan Kong, at with the following four attachments in PDF format:

  • The applicant's Curriculum Vitae;
  • An unblinded version of the manuscript with no more than 25 pages, including the abstract, figures, tables, references, and any supplementary materials;
  • A blinded version of the manuscript;
  • A letter from a faculty member familiar with the student's work. The faculty letter must include a verification of the applicant's student status, confirm that the student is the first author, and describe the contribution of the applicant to the paper.

Selection Process

The award committee will review the papers, and winners will be notified by January 15, 2024. Papers are scored for 1) statistical novelty, 2) innovation and significance of contribution to the field of application, and 3) professional quality. Students may submit papers to no more than two ASA sections and may accept only one section's award. Students must inform both sections they applied to immediately when she or he wins and accepts an award, thereby removing the student from the award competition for the other section.

Please send questions regarding the Statistics in Imaging Section student paper competition to Dehan Kong (

Winners of student paper competition for JSM 2023

First Place Award

Jingxuan Bao, University of Pennsylvania

"Heritability-aware brain atlas improves the power of brain imaging-genetic studies"

Advisor: Qi Long and Li Shen


Runner-up Awards (in alphabetical order)

Mengyu Li, Renmin University of China

"Importance Sparsification for Sinkhorn Algorithm with Application in Efficient Echocardiogram Analysis"

Advisor: Cheng Meng

Guoxuan Ma, University of Michigan

"Bayesian Image-on-Image Regression via Deep Kernel Learning based Gaussian Processes"

Advisor: Jian Kang

Paolo Victor Redondo, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

"Measuring Information Transfer Between Nodes in a Brain Network through Spectral Transfer Entropy"

Advisor: Raphael Huser and Hernando Ombao


Xin Tan, Rice University

"Bayesian structural determination by cryo-electron microscopy"

Advisor: Meng Li


The Statistics in Imaging Section of the ASA cordially invites submissions for a student paper competition for research on statistical methods, theory, or software development for the analysis of imaging data. The selected winners will present their papers in a topic-contributed session at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on Aug 5, 2023 – Aug 10, 2023. The first-place winner and runners-up will also receive a cash prize of $1,000 and $500, respectively.


To be eligible, the student must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Be a degree candidate at an accredited institution in any term during 2022.
  • Be a current member of the Statistics in Imaging Section of the ASA and be able to present the paper at JSM 2023.
  • Be the first author of the paper. The paper must not be published or accepted for publication at the time of submission.

Application materials:

The deadline for application is December 15, 2022. Formal applications should be sent to the Statistics in Imaging Section 2023 Program Chair-Elect, Kristin Linn, at with the following four attachments in PDF format:

  • The applicant's Curriculum Vitae;
  • An unblinded version of the manuscript with no more than 25 pages, including the abstract, figures, tables, references, and any supplementary materials;
  • A blinded version of the manuscript;
  • A letter from a faculty member familiar with the student's work. The faculty letter must include a verification of the applicant's student status, confirm that the student is first author, and describe the contribution of the applicant to the paper.

Selection Process

The award committee will review the papers, and winners will be notified by January 15, 2023. Papers are scored for 1) statistical novelty, 2) innovation and significance of contribution to the field of application, and 3) professional quality. Students may submit papers to no more than two ASA sections and may accept only one section's award. Students must inform both sections they applied to immediately when she or he wins and accepts an award, thereby removing the student from the award competition for the other section.

Please send questions regarding the Statistics in Imaging Section student paper competition to Kristin Linn (

Winners of student paper competition for JSM 2022

First Place Award

Carlos Llosa-Vite, Iowa State University 

"Reduced-Rank Tensor-on-Tensor Regression and Tensor-variate Analysis of Variance"

Advisor: Ranjan Maitra


Runner-up Awards (in alphabetical order)

Andrew Chen, University of Pennsylvania

"Harmonizing Functional Connectivity Reduces Scanner Effects in Community Detection"

Advisor: Taki Shinohara and Haochang Shou

William Consagra, University of Rochester

"Optimized Diffusion Imaging for Brain Structural Connectome Analysis"

Advisor: Zhengwu Zhang

Yifei Hu, North Carolina State University

"Weak Signal Inference Under Dependence and Sparsity with Application to fMRI Image Data"

Advisor: Jesse Jeng

Nathan Tung, Brown University

"Neuro-Hotnet: A Graph Theoretic Approach for Brain FC Estimation"

Advisor: Ani Eloyan

Winners of student paper competition for JSM 2019

First Place Award

Bingyuan Liu from Pennsylvania State University
"High-Dimensional Robust Scalar-on-Image Regression via Thresholding Function and Nonconvex Learning"
Advisor: Lingzhou Xue

Runner-up Awards (in alphabetic order)

Yujia Deng, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
"Correlation Tensor Decomposition and Its Application in Spatial Imaging Data"
Advisor: Annie Qu

Jun Young Park, University of Minnesota
"Semiparametric modeling of time-varying activation and connectivity in task-basedfMRI data"
Advisor: Mark Fiecas

Shan Yu, Iowa State University
"Estimation and Inference for Spatially Varying Coefficient Models with Applications to Image-on-Scalar Regression"
Advisor: Lily Wang

Winners of student paper competition for JSM 2018

First Place Award:

Yikai Wang, Emory University
"A novel hierarchical independent component modeling framework with application to longitudinal fMRI study."

Runner-up Awards (in alphabetic order):

Youyi Zhang, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
"Radio-iBAG: Radiomics-based Integrative Bayesian Analysis of Multiplatform Genomic Data. "

Dustin Steven Pluta, University of California, Irvine
"Adaptive Mantel Test for Penalized Inference, with Applications to imaging genetics-"

Winners of student paper competition for JSM 2017

First Place Award

Eunjee Lee, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Bayesian Low-rank Graph Regression Models for Mapping Human Connectome Data"
Advisor: Hongtu Zhu

Runner-up Awards (in alphabetic order)

Xu Gao, University of California at Irvine
"Evolutionary State-Space Model and Its Application to Time-Frequency Analysis of Local Field Potentials"
Advisor: Hernando Ombao

Subhadeep Paul
, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

"Community Detection in a Group of Related Networks with Applications to Neuroimaging Studies"
Advisor: Yuguo Chen

Cheng-Han Yu, University of California at Santa Cruz
"A Bayesian Variable Selection Approach Yields Improved Brain Activation From Complex-Valued fMRI"
Advisor: Raquel Prado