Statistical Auditing Interest Group (SAIG)
Promoting the Practice and Profession of Statistical Auditing
Established June 2017
The purpose of this group is to support data analyst, auditors, management consultants, statisticians, programmers, regulators, computer audit specialist, data scientist, tax professionals, etc. that use quantitative methods for auditing, compliance, quality, risk management, assurance, advisory, tax, or regulatory purposes. Supporting the above through collaboration, training, research, thought leadership, community, and publications.
1. Serve the members through the development of continuing education and a venue to network with peers.
2. Promote the profession through activities such as collaborative event with other organizations, research, and prompting certification.
Speaking Request & Research
Many of our members are sought-after speakers at industry forums for tax and auditing as subject matter professionals in the areas of statistics, sampling, analytics, tax, and audit. Our member hold roles such as managing director, principle, auditor, consultant, and data scientist in a variety of industries from professional services to state and federal government, to financial services, etc. If you would like to request a speaker from our group, please reach out to us and we will distribute the request to the group or identify a specific subject matter professional and credentialed member.
Our members also engagement in original statistical research and publications that impacts and provides solutions to audit and tax issues and policies. If there are areas you would like to recommend to the group for research, these requests will be circulated to the group.
Membership in the Statistical Auditing Interest Group is open to both members and non-members of the American Statistical Association (ASA) though all are encouraged to become members of the ASA to access a wider range of benefits than the Statistical Auditing Interest Group offers alone.
Many of our members actively participate in other organizations such as the IIA (Institute of Internal Auditors), the IPT (Institute for Professionals in Taxation), COST (Council On State Taxation) among other professional groups. Our members also hold a range of designations from Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) to Accredited Professional Statistician® (PSTAT®) to Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and other designations.
If you are a data analyst, statistician, programmer, computer audit specialist, data scientist, etc. providing analytical solutions for audit, advisory, assurance, or tax requirements, we encourage you to reach out and request to join. Additionally, the best way to request to join is to have a LinkedIn account and follow our LinkedIn SAIG Page and request to join our LinkedIn Data Science Auditing group.