Recent Winners

The ASA SPAIG Award website has a complete list of recent and past recipients.

2024 SPAIG Award Winners

Winner: The Setting International Standards in Analyzing Patient-Reported Outcomes and Quality of Life Endpoints in Cancer Clinical Trials- Innovative Medicines Initiative


Citation: In recognition of an exemplary collaboration resulting in international guidelines for the design, analysis, and interpretation of patient-reported outcome data.

Key Contributors

Madeline Pe European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer 

Corneel Coens European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer

Ahu Alanya European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer

Martin Taphoorn Leiden University

Saskia le Cessie Leiden University

Bernhard Holzner Medical University of Innsbruck

Elektra Papadopoulos AbbVie

Vivek Pawar EMD Serono 

Michael Schlichting Merck Healthcare KGaA 

Jane Chang Pfizer

Satrajit Roychoudhury Pfizer

Joseph Cappelleri Pfizer

Johannes Giesinger Medical University of Innsbruck

Lisa Wintner Medical University of Innsbruck

Silene ten Seldam Myeloma Patients Europe (representing WECAN)

Kristin Bjordal Oslo University Hospital

Anders Ingelgard Boehringer Ingelheim


Paul Cislo Pfizer

Anja Schiel Norwegian Medicines Agency

Chantal Quinten European Medicines Agency

Mallorie Fiero US Food and Drug Administration

Vishal Bhatnagar US Food and Drug Administration

Maxime Sasseville Health Canada

Khadija Rantell Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulations Agency


2023 SPAIG Award Winners
Winner: UNC, Merck, and NCI

Citation: For outstanding and impactful research in clinical trials and outcomes research, setting the standard for academic-industry-government collaborations.

Key Contributors:

Lisa M LaVange, UNC
Joseph G Ibrahim, UNC
The late Joseph Heyse, Merck
Ming-Hui Chen,  UConn
Arvind K Shah, Merck
William Wang, Merck
Sungduk Kim, NCI
Jianxin Lin, Merck
Donglin Zeng, UNC
Guoqing Diao, GWU
Ethan Alt, UNC
Amarjot Kaur, Merck

2022 SPAIG Award Winners
Amstat News Article: 2022 SPAIG Award Honors Two Collaborations

Winner: Harvard and Partners in Health

Citation: The COVID-19 Multicountry Research Group (CovMRG) convened statisticians, epidemiologists, and program implementers for data-driven responses in eight countries.

Key Contributors:

Bethany L Hedt-Gauthier (Harvard University)
Isabel R Fulcher (Harvard University)
Megan B Murray (Harvard University)

Dale Barnhart (Harvard University/ Partners In Health)
Jean Claude Mugunga (Partners In Health)
Peterson Abnis I Faure (Partners In Health/ Haiti)
Melino Ndayizigiye (Partners In Health/ Lesotho)
Emma Boley (Partners In Health/ Liberia)
Moses B Aron (Partners In Health/ Malawi)
Zeus Aranda (Partners In Health/ Mexico)
Jesus Peinado (Partners In Health/ Peru)
Vincent K Cubaka (Partners In Health/ Rwanda)
Foday Boima, (Partners In Health/ Sierra Leon)

2021 SPAIG Award Winners

Amstat News Article: 2021 SPAIG Award Honors Two Collaborations

Winner #1: DELPHI: COVIDcast project 

Citation: For commitment to the theory and practice of epidemic tracking and forecasting through building and modeling unique public health data streams.

Key Contributors:

Roni Rosenfeld (Carnegie Mellon University)
Ryan Tibshirani (Carnegie Mellon University)
Carrie Reed (CDC)
Matt Biggerstaff (CDC)
Michael Johansson (CDC)
Paul Nielson (Optum Technology)
John Santelli (UnitedHealth Group)
Hal Varian (Google)
Brett Slatkin (Google)
Curtiss Cobb (Facebook)
Tim Suther (Change Healthcare)
John Tamerius (Quidel)

Winner #2: Intermediate Clinical Endpoints of Prostate Cancer (ICECaP) initiative.

Citation: For building a statistically sound and solid foundation for identifying surrogate endpoints and collaborating with academics, industry, and government.

Key Contributors:

Chris Sweeney (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)
Meredith Regan (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)
Marc Buyse (International Drug Development Institute)
Susan Halabi (Duke University)
Wanling Xie (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)
Catherine Tangen (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center)
James Dignam (The University of Chicago)
Laurence Collette (International Drug Development Institute)
Matt Sydes (University College London)
Max Parmer (University College London)
Jayne Tierney (University College London)
Boris Freidlin (National Cancer Institute)

2020 SPAIG Award Winners

Amstat News Article: 2020 SPAIG Award Honors Research Collaboration

Industry Track: Procter & Gamble
Academic Track: Georgia Institute of Technology

Citation: For collaborative research leading to significant advancements in quality, reliability, and analysis and design of physical and computer experiments.

Key Contributors

William A. Brenneman (Procter & Gamble)
Roshan V. Joseph (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Shan Ba (LinkedIn)
Fang Cao (Wells Fargo)
Li Gu (Amazon Inc.)
Evren Gul (Loyalty One)
Lulu Kang (Illinois Institute of Technology)
William R. Myers (Procter & Gamble)
Chien-Fu J. Wu (Georgia Institute of Technology)

2019 SPAIG Award Winners
AmStat News Article: SPAIG Award Goes to Two

Winner #1: Advances in Dengue Fever Vaccine

Academic Track: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Industry Track: Sanofi Pasteur

Description: Statistical partnership for the CYD-TDV dengue vaccine clinical research program, for addressing critical public health concerns on safety and efficacy of a dengue vaccine through development and application of novel statistical methods.


Brenda Price (UW/Fred Hutch)
Carlos DiazGranados (Sanofi Pasteur)
Youyi Fong (Fred Hutch/UW)
Peter Gilbert (Fred Hutch/UW)
Ying Huang (Fred Hutch/UW)
Michal Juraska (Fred Hutch)
Edith Langevin (Sanofi Pasteur)

Winner #2: Growth of the Statistics and Data Science Community in Western Massachusetts

Academic Track: Smith, Mount Holyoke, Amherst, and Hampshire Colleges, and the University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Industry Track: MassMutual Financial Group

Description: Over the past five years, the statistics and data science community in the Pioneer Valley
has grown rapidly, thanks in large part to efforts made by MassMutual and faculty at each of the Five Colleges.  This partnership fostered a diverse and inclusive community around statistics and data science that celebrates academic research, excellence in higher education, and innovative data-driven solutions.


Ben Baumer (Smith)
Andrea Foulkes Foulkes (Mount Holyoke)
Krista Gile (University of Massachusetts)
Nicholas Horton (Amherst)
David Jensen (University of Massachusetts)
Andrew McCallum (University of Massachusetts)
Sears Merritt (MassMutual)
Ethan Meyers (Hampshire)
Nick Reich (University of Massachusetts)
Gareth Ross (MassMutual)
Amy Wagaman (Amherst)

 2018 SPAIG Award Winners
AmStat News Article: 2018 SPAIG Award Lauds Forensic Science Collaboration

Academic Track: The Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE)
Government Track: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

The CSAFE, established as part of a national collaborative effort to strengthen the scientific basis for forensic evidence used in the criminal justice system and headquartered at Iowa State University, has successfully collaborated with the NIST. 

The output include the following: new automated algorithms for bullet, shoeprint and glass comparisons that effectively improve the accuracy of forensic analysis; the creation of databases, acquisition systems and phone apps for forensic evidence collection and quality assessment; the successful training of forensic practitioners to improve their quantitative literacy. The partnership between CSAFE and NIST reaches beyond foundational research and greatly benefits the broader forensic science community.

Key contributors:

(1) Susan Ballou (NIST)

(2) Alicia Carriquiry (Iowa State University)

(3) William F. Eddy (Carnegie Mellon University)

(4) Charless Fowlkes (University of California Irvine)

(5) Barbara Guttman (NIST)

(6) Martin Herman (NIST)

(7) Heike Hofmann (Iowa State University)

(8) Hari Iyer (NIST)

(9) Karen Kafadar (University of Virginia)

(10) Steven Lund (NIST)

(11) Hal S. Stern (University of California Irvine)

(12) William Thompson (University of California Irvine)

(13) Alan Zheng (NIST)

2017 SPAIG Award Winners
AmStat News Article

Winner #1

Citation: For addressing methodological questions of interest to the federal statistical system and training future generations to design, conduct, analyze and report official statistics.

The National Science Foundation-Census Research Network (NCRN), established in 2011, has been a highly successful collaboration between multiple universities and the U.S. Census Bureau. It aimed to provide support for conducting interdisciplinary research and educational activities on methodological questions of significance to the broader research community and to the federal statistical system.

Key Contributors:

(1) Robert Groves (Georgetown University)

(2) Myron Gutmann (University of Colorado)

(3) Cheryl Eavey (National Science Foundation)

(4) Daniel Weinberg (DHW Consulting)

(5) Matthew D. Shapiro (on behalf of the University of Michigan)

(6) Bruce Spencer (on behalf of Northwestern University)

(7) Lars Vilhuber (on behalf of Cornell University)

(8) Jerome P. Reiter (on behalf of Duke University)

(9) Scott H. Holan (on behalf of University of Missouri)

(10) Kristin Olson (on behalf of University of Nebraska - Lincoln)

(11) William Eddy (on behalf of Carnegie Mellon University)

(12) David Folch (on behalf of University of Colorado/University of Tennessee)

Winner #2

Citation: The Laboratory for Analytical Sciences has created a unique partnership to apply quantitative methodology and data science to improve national security. Led by the NSA and NCSU, it partners broadly across academia, industry, and government.

The Laboratory of Analytical Sciences (LAS), established in 2013 on the North Carolina State University (NCSU) campus, has been a highly productive collaboration between NCSU and the National Security Agency (NSA). By combining the different viewpoints and skillsets of researchers, developers, and analysts across multiple university, government, and industrial partners, LAS has advanced the security science needs of the NSA. Recently, LAS has grown from a one agency/one university experiment to a multi-agency/multi-university/multi-company/multi-national collaboration.

Key Contributors:

(1) Alyson Wilson (North Carolina State University)

(2) Michael Bender (Laboratory for Analytic Science)

(3) Forrest Allen (North Carolina State University)

(4) Kay Moore (Laboratory for Analytic Science)

(5) David Harris (Department of Defense)
