This organization shall be known as the lowa Chapter of the American Statistical Association.
ARTICLE II - Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to foster in the broadest manner statistics and its applications, and to promote unity and effectiveness of effort among all groups and individuals in Iowa having an interest in or being concerned with statistical problems.
ARTICLE III - Membership
The voting membership of this organization shall consist of two classes:
- Regular members: Membership of the American Statistical Association who pay regular Iowa Chapter dues or student members of the American Statistical Association who pay student Iowa Chapter dues.
- Associate Members: Persons interested in statistics in general or the organization in particular, who pay regular Iowa Chapter dues (or full time students who pay student Iowa Chapter dues) but who are not also members of the American Statistical Association.
The officers of the organization shall be a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary/WebMaster, and Representative to the Association's Council of Chapters. These officers also constitute the Iowa Chapter Executive Committee. The officers shall be full members.
Except for the Representative to the Council of Chapters, the officers of the Iowa Chapter will serve one-year terms running from July 1 to June 30. The Chapter Representative will serve a three-year term running from July 1 to the 30th of June three years hence.
The President is responsible for
- a) Leading the chapter
- b) Organizing Chapter meetings
- c) Accepting nominations for Chapter officers
- d) Arranging for the all venues of voting
The Vice President is the President-elect. The Vice President will be responsible for the Presidential duties if the President is absent or otherwise unable to serve. At the end of the one-year term of office, the Vice President will become the new President.
The Treasurer is responsible for
- a) Controlling the Iowa Chapter Treasury
- b) Reporting its status to the Executive Committee and membership
The Secretary/WebMaster is responsible for
- a) Preparing, maintaining,and posting the minutes of the Chapter and Executive Committee meetings.
- b) Compiling information and posting on the Chapter website
- c) Reporting Chapter activities to the Editor of AMSTAT NEWS
- d) Maintaining the gmail account, twitter account, and web page
The Representative to the American Statistical Association's Council of Chapters is responsible for
- Attending (or having another chapter member attend) Council meetings
- reporting relevant information to the Executive Committee and the membership.
ARTICLE V - Meetings
There shall be at least one regular Chapter meeting each year held in conjunction with the spring conference. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, these meetings should be held at two different locations in the State of Iowa.
There shall be at least two regular Executive Committee meetings each year.
ARTICLE VI - Elections
The officers of the Iowa Chapter shall be duly elected by electronic vote before the annual spring chapter meeting except that (a) the Vice President will assume the office of President should the President have to leave office before the conclusion of the regular term of office and (b) the Executive Committee shall fill any other vacancy which may occur between the elections in any office. The President, working with the Executive Committee, will develop a slate of candidates for the offices and mail the ballot at least two weeks before the spring meeting. Written nominations can be submitted to the President up until four weeks before the day of the spring meeting. The results of the election shall be announced at the annual spring meeting.
ARTICLE VII - National Constitution and By-Laws
Any and all provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Statistical Association are considered a part of this Chapter Constitution.
ARTICLE VIII - Amendments
This Constitution may be amended by
1) A simple majority vote of the attending Chapter members at any meeting of this organization, provided notices of such meeting and of the proposed amendment shall have been sent to each voting member at least two weeks before the date of the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be voted on or by
2) Action of the Board of Directors of the American Statistical Association.
ARTICLE IX - Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the Iowa Chapter, the officers shall, after paying or making provision for payment and discharge of all of the liabilities of the Iowa Chapter, distribute all of the remaining net assets of said chapter to the American Statistical Association exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary, and educational purposes. The American Statistical Association is an exempt organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Version of May 20, 1992
Revision 7/23/18 Sue Norris, President
Revision 10/19/18 Sue Norris, President