What is DMP 2024?
The 2024 Diversity Mentoring Program (DMP) brings historically-underrepresented BIPOC (African/African-American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American) graduate and undergraduate students, post-doctoral scholars, and junior professionals together with senior-level statisticians and faculty in academia, government, and the private sector in a structured program at the annual Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM). This year Dr. Prince Allotey and Stefanee Tillman are serving as the chair and vice chair of the organizing committee.
When is DMP 2024?
August 4-7, 2024
Where is DMP 2024?
Portland, Oregon
What is the program for DMP 2024?
The full program is available here. The short program is below.
How can I join DMP 2024?
If you are early career (e.g., a student, post-doctoral scholar, junior professional) there are two ways that you can participate.
- Participate as an attendee: The application is available here. The form will close mid-June.
- Participate as an attendee and potentially be matched with a mentor: The application is available here (deadline is May 31st). We will notify applicants of the outcome by mid-June. We will do our best to match as many mentee applicants with mentors.
If you are a mid-career or advanced-career individual, then you can participate by filling out this form to become a mentor. Note, mentors are not required to attend DMP 2024 or JSM 2024, but you are welcome to join the program.
Can I get funding to participate in DMP 2024?
Anyone who fills out the Attendance and Mentee Application will automatically be considered for a funding award to cover all or as much of your expenses for participating in DMP 2024 and JSM 2024 as possible. We will notify you about funding awards when we notify you about your application (around mid-June).
What is JSM? And how is DMP related?
The Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) is a conference hosted through the coordination of several professional statistics societies. The Diversity Mentoring Program (DMP) is a separate program that is held at the same time and location as JSM, and we do our best to avoid scheduling DMP events at the same time as JSM events. You do not need to participate in JSM in order to participate in DMP.
- You do not need to register for JSM to be part of DMP.
- You do not need to attend any JSM events in order to attend DMP programming.