Sunday, July 29, 2018, through Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Raising up the next generation of statistical thought leaders takes commitment and participation!
We are here to help!
The 2018 JSM Diversity Mentorship Program (DMP) brings historically-underrepresented minority (African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American) graduate, undergraduate, post-doctoral scholars, and junior professionals together with senior-level statisticians and faculty in academia, government, and the private sector in a structured program at the Joint Statistical Meetings.
The program will include small group discussions and one-on-one meetings of mentor-protégé pairs during the conference.
More information about this year's agenda will be provided soon.
Relive the Experience from the 2017 Diversity Mentoring Program
(Click the Photo Below to Access Photo Album)
Large group photo courtesy of UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
The application period has now closed.
Preference will be given for applications received by May 31, 2018, and applicants will be informed of their status by late-June 2018.
Successful applicants are expected to participate in career enhancement activities, group and individual mentoring, and to develop a peer network among participants.
Schedule of Activities
Sun, 7/29
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Welcome Dinner & Networking Event
1. Mentors/Mentees Pre-Match 2. Speed Networking 3. Dinner
Mahoney & Sons - Burrard Landing #36-1055 Canada Place (Vancouver Convention Center) Vancouver, BC V6C0C3
Mon, 7/30
8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Mentoring Overview Session
1. Overview of Mentoring and Tips for Effective Mentoring 2. Mentoring Panel 3. Mentoring Activity for Matched Mentee/Mentor Pairs
Room: The Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver (900 Canada Place Way) F-Waterfront Ballroom A
Tue, 7/31 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Career Day Session
1. Job Interview and Resume Tips (8:30 am - 9:15 am) 2. How to Collaborate Effectively (9:30 am - 10:15 am)
Room: The Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver (900 Canada Place Way) F-Waterfront Ballroom A
Tue, 7/31 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
ASA Committee on Minorities in Statistics Open Business Meeting and Networking Reception (Open Session for all JSM Attendees)
Room: The Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver (900 Canada Place Way) F-Cheakamus
Wed, 8/1 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Roundtable discussion
A discussion of questions/issues proposed by Mentees
Room: The Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver (900 Canada Place Way) F-Malaspina
Click here to access the full program.
Program Sponsors
The 2018 JSM Diversity Mentoring Program is made possible due to the generous support of the following sponsors.
Diamond Level
Click for more information about careers at Bank of America.
Click for more information about Section on Statistics in Epidemiology.
Sapphire Level
Click for more information about SAS, Inc.

Click for more information about Eli Lilly and Company.

Click for more information about Glaxo Smith Kline.

Click for more information about Fifth Third Bank.
Ruby Level
ASA Section on Mental Health Statistics
ASA Section on Health Policy Statistics
Pearl Level
ASA Section on Statistics in Imaging
ASA Section on Statistics in Defense and National Security