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R Govys Webinar - Sep 21 - Analyzing the Text of ASA Presidential Speeches

  • 1.  R Govys Webinar - Sep 21 - Analyzing the Text of ASA Presidential Speeches

    Posted 09-18-2023 11:09
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    You are cordially invited to an R Govys Webinar - Sep 21 - Analyzing the Text of ASA Presidential Speeches given by Brandon Kopp, Bureau of Labor Statistics. See the attached flyer and the registration link below. 

    Abstract:  In her 2020 ASA presidential address, Wendy Martinez discussed an R Shiny application that displayed the results of text analysis on over 110 years of previous ASA presidential addresses. In this presentation, the creator of the app (Brandon Kopp) will describe the methodologies underlying the application and some recent updates, including word frequencies and word clouds, topic modeling, and the use of large language models (like Meta's LLAMA2) to produce summaries. This presentation will also cover how insights can be derived about individual documents and a corpus of documents using these methods. These insights will be displayed showing an updated version of the application that includes ASA presidential addresses from 2021 and 2022.

    Registration link: https://amstat.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsd-yurTIrG9aM9ug1LTRNXgtq5CYUbQLv#/registration

    Wendy Martinez
    Pronouns: she, they
    Senior Mathematical Statistician for Data Science
    US Census Bureau


    RGoyvs-September21.pdf   335 KB 1 version