

Welcome to the Oregon Chapter

American Statistical Association

Welcome to the Oregon Chapter of the American Statistical Association!

We encourage the proper use and appreciation of Statistics and its applications, and facilitate interaction among all persons having an interest in or being concerned with the field of Statistics.

Upcoming Events

ASA Oregon Chapter: Spring Meeting 2023

Please reserve 6-8:30 pm on Wednesday, April 26th for our ASA Oregon Chapter Spring meeting. The meeting will be held at the Portland State University Place Hotel. We are very fortunate to have Dr. Stephen Portnoy as our guest speaker. Dr. Portnoy has had a distinguished career and made influential contributions in several areas in statistics including asymptotic theory, robust statistics, quantile regression, and statistics in biology. Dr. Portnoy held faculty positions at Harvard University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for more than 30 years. Right now, Dr. Portnoy is an adjunct faculty at Portland State University.

A dinner buffet will be served during 6-7 pm, and the talk starts at 7pm. A fee of $20 will be collected on-site to share the dinner cost.  If you can not make it in person, you can participate remotely over zoom. Please reserve your seat by registering in advance.  Looking forward to seeing you all!

 Wednesday, April 26th from 6:00 - 8:30 pm Pacific time (with the talk starting at 7 pm)
Location: Zoom and PSU University Place Hotel
Registration: A Google Form to RSVP for the meeting is here. Please fill out the form below by 5PM on Wednesday, April 12th. This will allow us as organizers time to set up a Zoom room and order food for in-person participants.

Fees: $20 (will be collected on-site, both cash and checks will be accepted.)

ASA Oregon Chapter: Fall Meeting 2022

Please reserve 6-8pm of Wednesday Nov. 16th for our ASA Oregon Chapter Fall meeting. The meeting will be hybrid. You can participate remotely over zoom or in-person at OSU campus. Please reserve your seat by registering in advance.  Looking forward to seeing you all!

 Wednesday, Nov 16th from 6:00 - 8:00pm Pacific time (with talk starting at 6:30pm)
Location: Zoom and OSU Campus
Registration: A Google Form to RSVP for the meeting is here. Please fill out the form below by 5PM on Friday, November 11th. This will allow us as organizers time to set up a Zoom room and order food for in-person participants.

Title: News from ASA and Community Analytics in Action

Speaker: Dr. Kathy Ensor (ASA President and the Noah G. Harding Professor of Statistics at Rice University)

Abstract: The American Statistical Association is dedicated to the practice and profession of statistics, and I am honored to serve as its 117th President. I will provide updates on ASA and take this opportunity to discuss the expansion of the ASA Leadership Institute, activities in data science and AI, and my vision to promote growth in community analytics. Community analytics requires strong partnerships between local governments and businesses, NGOs, community organizations, and academia.  I will embed my community analytics discussion in the story of developing from scratch the wastewater epidemiology program for the City of Houston to aid in managing the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Wastewater surveillance has emerged as a vital tool for city, county, and state public health departments, and its use will continue beyond the pandemic. Houston has been named by the CDC as one of two National Wastewater Surveillance Systems Centers of Excellence (see https://hou-wastewater-epi.org).  I will share the concepts behind building the statistical system and dive deep into why the partnership succeeded and what is planned for the future.


Speaker Bio: Dr. Katherine Bennett Ensor is the Noah G. Harding Professor of Statistics at Rice University where she serves as director of the Center for Computational Finance and Economic Systems (cofes.rice.edu) and creator of the Kinder Institute’s Urban Data Platform (kinderudp.org). Ensor served as chair of the Department of Statistics from 1999 through 2013 and has shaped data science at Rice as a member of the campus-wide hiring committee. Her research focuses on the development of statistical and data science methods for practical problems. Her expertise is dependent data covering time, space, and dimension with applied interests in finance, energy, environment, health, and risk management.  She is a fellow of ASA and AAAS and has been recognized for her leadership, scholarship, and mentoring. Ensor is the 2022 President of the American Statistical Association (ASA). She served as Vice President of ASA from 2016 to 2018 and as a member of the National Academies Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics from 2014 to 2020. Ensor holds a BSE and MS in Mathematics from Arkansas State University and a Ph.D. in Statistics from Texas A&M University. Ensor is a member of the Texas A&M College of Science Academy of Distinguished Former Students. 

ASA Council of Chapters traveling course 

The American Statistical Association (ASA) Oregon Chapter is hosting an ASA Council Chapters traveling course in collaboration with the Statistics Department of Oregon State University. Please use this link to register if you are interested!

This event is open to public. With the generous support from Statistics Department of Oregon State University, we are able to offer this event free of charge for students in state of Oregon. For others, we charge a small amount of registration fee to cover the cost. For more details about the event, please visit our website at 


Please encourage your students and anyone who might be interested to participate.  

Title: Navigating tough conversations in Statistical Collaboration
Instructors: Emily Griffith, Julia Sharp and Zach Weller 

Time and Location

1-5pm, Saturday, October 29, 2022

The workshop will be offered virtually through zoom. Please register for the event to have access to the zoom link.


Free to students in State of Oregon (no ASA membership required)

$25 for non-student ASA members

$50 for general public without ASA membership

ASA Oregon Chapter: Spring Meeting 2022 and Datafest Award Ceremony

Please reserve 6:15-7:15pm of this Friday, April 29th for the ASA OR datafest award ceremony and the awards will be announced during this meeting. The meeting will also be spring meeting for ASA OR chapter members. Together with members in our local ASA chapter, we will celebrate your achievement.   This will be a hybrid meeting allowing you to participate either on zoom or in-person on OSU campus. Meeting details will come soon. But here is draft agenda


  • 6:15 - 6:30 PM: Greetings and Pizza
  • 6:30 - 7:00 PM: Award ceremony for ASA datafest Oregon 
  • 7:00 - 7:15 PM: Chapter Business and Announcements


Pizza will be provided free for in-person participants. So please sign up here by 5pm of this Thursday so that we can have a head-count for pizza ordering.



ASA Datafest Oregon 2022

We are excited to announce that ASA Oregon Chapter and Oregon State University will be hosting ASA DataFest™ 2022 virtually (online) on April 22 through April 24. If you are interested in a hands on experience in statistics and data science, please join us for an exciting weekend event to create a meaningful project and win cash prizes!

All undergraduate and master's students attending school in Oregon are encouraged to join or form a team. Others including Ph.D. students, employees or anyone interested in learning more about data science are welcome and encouraged to volunteer as mentor or judge.

For more information and sign up for the event, please visit our website.

ASA Oregon Chapter: Winter Meeting 2022

Time: Wednesday, February 23rd from 5:30 - 6:30pm Pacific time (with talk starting at 5:35pm)
Location: Zoom
Registration: A Google Form to RSVP for the meeting is here. Please fill out the form below by 5PM on Monday, November 29th. This will allow us as organizers time to set up a Zoom room with the needed number of seats for the meeting and to send everyone the Zoom link.

Title: Statistics in the TRACE-COVID-19 Project

Speaker: Katie McLaughlin (Assistant Professor, Oregon State University)


Abstract: TRACE-COVID-19 is an OSU public health project designed to gather timely information about the presence of the novel coronavirus in communities and at Oregon State University. TRACE (Team-based Rapid Assessment of community-level Coronavirus Epidemics) uses a scientific gold standard — random sampling — to understand the prevalence of the virus in the population. The number of people infected is a key driver of an epidemic. Prevalence provides a leading indicator of the risk posed by the virus to the health of people in the whole population. Our goal is to inform public health policies and practices – in the community and within OSU – that slow the spread of the virus and minimize the impact of COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. In this talk, we will provide a brief overview of the various TRACE components over the course of the project and what is currently being done, including door-to-door community sampling throughout Oregon, routine surveillance sampling at OSU, wastewater monitoring, and genetic sequencing. We discuss the many ways in which statistical methodologies are utilized throughout the components of the project, including sampling design and sample size for various scenarios, frequentist and Bayesian methods of prevalence estimation and interval calculation in a low prevalence setting, adjusting for test sensitivity and specificity, aligning data sources at different temporal and spatial scales, and communication of scientific results with policy implications.

More information about the project is available at: https://trace.oregonstate.edu/

Speaker Bio: Katherine McLaughlin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at Oregon State University and has an adjunct appointment in the College of Public Health and Human Sciences (also at OSU). She received her PhD in Statistics in 2016 from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research interests focus broadly on sampling methodology, social network analysis, and social science applications of statistics. She has developed prevalence and population size estimation methodologies and related diagnostics for respondent-driven sampling, a commonly used network-based sampling method for hidden populations. McLaughlin consults on design and analysis for a number of sampling-related projects, including for trafficked populations, populations at high risk for HIV/AIDS, and COVID-19 prevalence studies.


The meeting will include the talk, Q&A with the speaker, a few section announcements, and (if time available) small group discussion and networking. We hope you can join us!


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