
Welcome to the Mid-Missouri Chapter of the ASA!

The Mid-Missouri Chapter of the American Statistical Association was established in January 1975 to foster interest in statistical methods and applications and to increase the contributions of statistics in the area.  The objectives of the Chapter are to promote unity among analytical professionals, to make information concerning statistical science available in order to stimulate research, to increase the unity and effectiveness of all those in its area who are interested in or concerned with statistical problems and promote high professional standards.  It is our hope to make statistics useful to practical affairs, for the advancement of society as a whole. These include holding meetings; producing publications; participating in educational efforts for its members and for various public groups; providing information concerning the application of statistics; and, in general, serving the community with statistical thinking and making the community aware of statistics as a science.


Feel free to peruse the site, and contact us with any questions.

Upcoming Events

SPECIAL EVENT: "Careers in Data Science"
@ DataFest
7pm, April 6, 142 MiddleBush (Walter Johnson Auditorium)

Careers in Statistics and Data Science - April 6, 2024

ASA DataFest in MidMO 2024

  ASA DataFest  is a nationwide big data competition for undergraduates with the goal of analyzing a large, rich and complex data provided by a well-known corporate sponsor, and it will take place on April 5-6, 2024 at the University of Missouri.  

Please email Prof. Suhwon Lee at LeeSuh@missouri.edu if you have any questions.