SPECIAL EVENT: "Careers in Data Science" @ DataFest
7pm, April 6, 142 MiddleBush (Walter Johnson Auditorium)

ASA DataFest in MidMO 2024
The ASA DataFest is a nationwide big data competition for undergraduates with the goal of analyzing a large, rich and complex data provided by a well-known corporate sponsor, and it will take place on April 5-6, 2024 at the University of Missouri.
Please email Prof. Suhwon Lee at LeeSuh@missouri.edu if you have any questions.
ASA DataFest in MidMO 2023
The ASA DataFest is a nationwide big data competition for undergraduates with the goal of analyzing a large, rich and complex data provided by a well-known corporate sponsor, and it will take place on April 14-15, 2023 at the University of Missouri.
Registration will be open on February 1 until March 17.
Undergraduate students, go to:
Graduate students, faculty and data scientists from the community could participate the event as consultant! Go to VIP consultant signup link link for sign-up.
Contact: Suhwon Lee at LeeSuh@missouri.edu
SPECIAL EVENT: "Careers in Data Science" @ DataFest
7:15pm, April 15, 142 MiddleBush (Walter Johnson Auditorium)
Talk 1: Navigating the Job Market - an Open Discussion on Tips and Tricks for Success in the Changing Economy
Speakers: Shawn Crowley, Marvell Technology.
Talk 2: Being a Statistician @ Google
Speakers: Bingyuan Liu, Google.
Date: April 9, 7:30 pm CT
142 Middlebush Hall
(Walter Johnson Auditorium)
Melissa Lee
• Saint Luke's Health System
• Materials Management Data Analyst
• Masters in Statistics
Grant Wallace
• Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield
• Analytics Associate
• Masters in Statistics
Matt Kane
• Pittsburgh Pirates
• Coordinator of Coaching & Player Development, R&D
• BS in Mathematics, Statistics, and Economics
Sarah Terrell
• Spirit of '76 Fireworks
• Data analyst
• Masters in Statistics
ASA DataFest in MidMO 2022
The ASA DataFest is a nationwide big data competition for undergraduates with the goal of analyzing a large, rich and complex data provided by a well-known corporate sponsor, and it will take place on April 8-9, 2022 at the University of Missouri.
Registration by Friday, March 18 (Undergraduates only)
Graduate students, faculty and data scientists from the community could participate the event as consultant! Go to VIP consultant signup link for sign-up.
Contact: Suhwon Lee at LeeSuh@missouri.edu
Chapter sponsored research seminar
Date: Feb. 14, 4 pm CT
Zoom: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/93959155611?pwd=RWdGcHVwcnNJd2o1SHk5c0xpQTdIUT09
Meeting ID: 939 5915 5611
Passcode: 931086
Speaker: Dr. Wen Zhou
ASA DataFest in MidMO 2021
The ASA DataFest is a nationwide competition for undergraduates with the goal of analyzing a large, rich and complex data provided by a well-known corporate sponsor, and it will take place virtually on April 9-11 this year! · Info session: February 9 at 5 p.m. CST (RSVP by February 7)
Registration by March 19 (Undergraduates only) o Team signup o Individual signup · VIP consultant signup (graduate students, faculty and data scientists from the community) ·
Contact: Suhwon Lee at LeeSuh@missouri.edu
From the Classroom to the Draft Room: Breaking into sport as a data analyst
Dr. Patrick Ward, Seattle Seahawks
Sponsored by: Dept. of Statistics, University of Missouri-Columbia
Date: October 13, 2020*
Time: 4:00 AM -5:00PM
Location: ZOOM (link coming soon)
Abstract: Since the dawn of the “Moneyball-era”, at the turn of the century, the role of analytics has grown substantially in sport. Data sets have increased in both size and complexity, requiring analysts to have more diversified skills to answer interesting questions. With so many young analysts having an interest in sport, questions often arise about how to get into the game or what team’s look for in potential candidates. This talk will be directed towards explaining some of the unique opportunities in pro sports organizations, how to break into the field, and what types of skill sets may help you stand out compared to other analysts.
Introduction to Cloud Computing with R in Google Cloud and Amzon Web Services Online Short Course
Sponsored by: Dept. of Statistics, University of Missouri-Columbia
Date: September 19, 2020*
Time: 9:00 AM -4:00PM
Location: Online
Instructor: Sounak Chakraborty
Course summary:
On Sept 19, 2020 (Saturday) the Department of Statistics, University of Missouri-Columbia is organizing an online short course on Introduction to Cloud Computing with R in Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services. The course will provide a gentle introduction of running R software/codes in cloud computing platform using Google Cloud (GC) and Amazon Web Services (AWS) for basic statistical modeling and calculations. The course is designed for graduate, undergraduate, faculties, staff, and other interested professionals. Attached is the flyer for the short course and more detail information can be found in the website https://www.stat.missouri.edu/event/introduction-cloud-computing-r-google-cloud-and-amazon-web-services .
The course will be completely online and self-paced, so the participants can learn all materials at their own convenience from the comfort of their home. There will a live Q&A interactive session on Sept 19, 2020 where students can ask question to the instructor. Instructions for recommended software and other course materials will be made available before the course. All recommended software will be open source and can be downloaded free of cost.
The course fee is very nominal. For questions please contact Dr. Sounak Chakraborty at chakrabortys@missouri.edu.