
News Archive

  • Nine MHSS members become ASA Fellows

    This year, nine MHSS members were selected to become ASA fellows. We congratulate

    • Hongyuan Cao
    • Guoqing Diao
    • Birol Emir
    • Tanya Pamela Garcia
    • Samiran Ghosh
    • Douglas D. Gunzler  
    • John Kornak
    • Michelle Shardell
    • Min Zhang

    Please join us in congratulating them on this accomplishment. There will be a special acknowledgement of these members at the Mental Health Statistics Section Mixer (co-hosted with the Heath Policy Statistics Section) at JSM. 

  • 2024 MHSS Student Paper Award Winners

    We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 MHSS Student Paper Award competition. 

    The quality of all submissions this year was very high. As a result, in addition to awarding two prizes for the top papers, we are also announcing two honorable mentions for exceptional scholarship. 

    The 2024 MHSS Student Paper Award Winners: 

    • Yixi Xu (Indiana University)
    • Xiaohui Yin (University of Connecticut)

    The 2024 MHSS Student Paper Award Honorable Mentions: 

    • Miyeon Yeon (Florida State University)
    • Xiaojing Sun (Purdue University)

    There will be an award ceremony at the Mental Health Statistics Section mixer at JSM 2024 to announce the winning submissions and honorable mentions and to present awards. We look forward to seeing you then! 

  • Three MHSS members become ASA Fellows

    Three MHSS members have been selected to be Fellows of the American Statistical Association. We congratulate

    Booil Jo - Stanford University
    Robert Todd Krafty - Emory University
    Tyler Harris McCormick - University of Washington

    Please join us to celebrate at the Mental Health Statistics Section Mixer (co-hosted by the Health Policy Statistics Section).

    Date: Monday, August 7 2023
    Time:  6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
    Location: Cactus Club Cafe 
    77 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 1P9

    The mixer is open to members of both sections, friends, and other enthusiasts. There will be a short presentation honoring the student paper competition award winners and new ASA Fellows. 

  • MHSS Sponsored Events at JSM 2023

    Monday, August 7th, 2023

    8:30 AM – 10:20 AM

    Novel applications and methodologies to analyze intensive longitudinal data

    Topic-Contributed Paper Session 

    Room: CC-206B 

    12:30 PM - 1:50 PM 

    Round table:  Real-time tracking of Mental Health Prevalence - Are we there yet?

    Round table 

    Room: CC-501

    2:00 PM – 3:50 PM

    Advances in Causal Inference for Precision Health Using Wearable and Mobile Devices

    Invited Paper Session 

    Room: CC-715B 

    6:30 PM – 9:30 PM

    Mixer (Mental Health & Health Policy Sections)

    Location: Cactus Club Cafe 
    77 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 1P9

    The mixer is open to members of both sections, friends, and other enthusiasts. There will be a short presentation honoring the student paper competition award winners. 

    Tuesday, August 8th, 2023

    10:30 AM – 12:20 PM

    Contributed Poster Presentations: Mental Health Statistics Section

    Contributed Posters 

    Room: CC-Hall E 

    10:30 AM – 12:20 PM

    Latent Variables and Complex Data Types in Mental Health Research

    Contributed Papers 

    Room: CC-203B

    12:30 PM - 1:50 PM 

    Round table: Data analysis methods for depression screening tool data 

    Round table 

    Room: CC-501 

    Wednesday, August 9th, 2023

    8:30 AM – 10:20 AM

    Emerging Roles of Latent Variables in Biomedical and Social Data Science

    Invited Paper Session

    Room: CC-203C,CC-203D 

    10:30 AM – 12:20 PM

    Novel Approaches for Planning and Analyzing Data from Mental Health Clinical Trials and Observational Studies

    Contributed Papers 

    Room: CC-206E 

    12:30 PM – 1:50 PM 

    Round table: Let's talk about collaborations 

    Round table 

    Room: CC-501 

    2:00 PM – 3:50 PM

    Recent developments in methods for digital Brain Health data

    Topic-Contributed Paper Session 

    Room: CC-715A