If you want to increase the importance of stats at your facility, when you look at how the researchers are planning to use statistical analysis of their subjects if you think they can do better.
For example, I am teaching for an MPH program. There is potential for another group to get into the class too. But, the dept head wasn't sure their students needed a stats class. I had my class critique posters around the campus. Most found that dept's posters to be poorly done with major analysis issues. That dept uses human subjects AND a poor job with the analysis. We discussed how bad things could go, if one used say 7 simple linear regressions instead of 1 multiple linear regression. Or 9 t-tests without corrections for multiple comparisons instead of say an ANOVA with corrections or multiple linear regression.
I would LOVE to be on an IRB so I could take a stand for stats and force better designs and analysis on the researchers. Once you make the discussion about ethics of poor designs vs good designs, all the benefits, etc, it should be easy to force that change.
Andrew Ekstrom
Statistician, Chemist, HPC Abuser;-)
Original Message:
Sent: 10-17-2022 12:20
From: Paul Johansen
Subject: Research Challenges in a Rural Hospital Setting
Hi Andrew --
Thanks for your questions. In a nutshell, there are limited resources to support Biostats. I like your ideas, although I'm trying to expand my own duties in the Biostats realm, not so much to farm them out. One frustration I'm having is the emphasis on IRB administration over Biostats work (I'm responsible for both). There is limited understanding (outside of one administrator) of the importance of Biostats, so I could have been more specific in my request for help: in part I'm trying to brainstorm ways of increasing the profile of Biostats generally.
Paul Johansen
Biostatistician / IRB Coordinator
Original Message:
Sent: 10-14-2022 10:58
From: Andrew Ekstrom
Subject: Research Challenges in a Rural Hospital Setting
I saw your post and have some questions.
1) Is there a reason you are the only biostatistician?
2) Have you looked into hiring part time or remote workers?
3) Have you looked into getting interns from the local universities?
Andrew Ekstrom
Statistician, Chemist, HPC Abuser;-)
Original Message:
Sent: 10-13-2022 10:57
From: Paul Johansen
Subject: Research Challenges in a Rural Hospital Setting
I'm the only Biostatistician -- who doubles as the IRB Coordinator -- working at a rural hospital in western Massachusetts. Given limited resources, we have a number of challenges doing high-quality research. I would be interested in connecting with other statisticians in similar circumstances to brainstorm creative ways to address these challenges. I would also welcome any suggestions/resources.
Thank you,
Paul Mange Johansen
Berkshire Medical Center
Paul Johansen
Biostatistician / IRB Coordinator