
Constitution of the Alabama Chapter of the American Statistical Association

ARTICLE I: NAME. This organization shall be known as the Alabama Chapter of the American Statistical Association.

ARTICLE II: PURPOSE. The purpose of this Chapter is to be a state and local leader in the promotion of all aspects of sound statistical science and practice, including the advancement of statistical education, professional practice, and research.

ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP. Membership in the Chapter shall be by approval of the Chapter Executive Committee. This Committee may delegate this function of approval.  Regular Chapter members may serve as Chapter Officers. The membership of the Chapter shall consist of two categories:

egular Membership: Persons admitted to membership who are non-student members of the American Statistical Association.

Student Membership: Persons admitted to membership who are student members of the American Statistical Association.  This includes students who are full-time undergraduate or graduate students at a college or university.

The Voting Members shall be those members whose dues are not in arrears.

ARTICLE IV: DUES. Dues shall be assessed and collected as specified in Section 1 of the Bylaws.

ARTICLE V: OFFICERS. The Officers of the Chapter shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  The Officers must be members of the American Statistical Association and the Alabama Chapter. 

Officer Term Limits: Officers shall serve their elected positions for 2 years.  Should any office become vacant prior to the next scheduled election, the Executive Committee shall appoint an interim Officer to serve the remainder of the term.

Officer Elections: Each Officer shall be elected by the Voting Members of the Chapter.  Elections will be held at the annual business meetings.

Officer Duties: Officers shall perform the usual duties of the office, and any other duties that may be specified in the Bylaws. 

ARTICLE VI - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers described in Article V. The Executive Committee may also include a Chapter Representative to the ASA Council of Chapters, as defined in Article VII, in the event that the Chapter Representative is not also a Chapter Officer.

ARTICLE VII - CHAPTER REPRESENTATIVE.  The Representative to the Council of Chapters shall be a Regular Member of the Chapter. The Representative shall be appointed by the Chapter Officers, and the Representative may be a current Officer.  The Chapter Representative is expected to attend all meetings of the Executive Committee, the annual business meeting, and all Council of Chapters meetings at the annual Joint Statistical Meetings.   

ARTICLE VIII: MEETINGS. The Executive Committee shall meet regularly, preferably a minimum of 1 meeting per month. There shall be an annual in-person meeting open to all members of the Chapter, for the purpose of electing Officers and reviewing Chapter business.  The annual meeting shall be open to non-members, with the intent to encourage joining the ASA and the Alabama Chapter; non-members are not eligible to vote in the Officer elections.  The location of the annual meeting shall rotate between venues in Alabama and Mississippi, as much as logistics make it possible.

ARTICLE IX: NATIONAL CONSTITUTION. The Constitution and By-Laws of the Chapter shall at all times be in harmony with the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Statistical Association and to this end, any and all applicable provisions of the Constitution of the American Statistical Association shall be considered a part of this Constitution. Any provisions of the this Constitution which may be in conflict, at present or in the future, with the Constitution of the American Statistical Association shall be null and void.

ARTICLE X: AMENDMENTS. This Constitution may be amended by an affirmative 2/3 (two-thirds) vote of the voting Chapter members at any meeting, provided notices of such a meeting and the proposed amendment shall have been sent to each member at least two weeks prior to the date of such a meeting. (In the event of a mail ballot, the votes of the members responding shall be considered the same as the vote of a member voting at the meeting.)

ARTICLE XI: DISSOLUTION. Upon the dissolution of the Chapter, assets shall be distributed to the AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, 1429 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or corresponding Section of any future Federal tax codes.