Interest Group Founded in 2011
Interest Group charter created in 2016
The name of this organization is the Interest Group on Uncertainty Quantification for Complex Systems (hereafter called the Interest Group) of the American Statistical Association (hereafter called the Association).
The objectives of the Interest Group include, but are not limited to:
- Promoting the application and appropriate use of statistical thinking, techniques, and practices in uncertainty quantification for complex models.
- Encouraging and/or participating in developing (or adapting) statistical techniques and practices suited to uncertainty quantification for complex models.
- Fostering knowledge and use of statistics among workers in uncertainty quantification for complex models.
- Fostering the exchange of information among statisticians and practitioners concerning statistical problems, solved or unsolved, arising in uncertainty quantification for complex models.
- Aiding, by whatever special ways are appropriate for the Interest Group, the general development of the Association and the discipline of statistics.
In pursuing these objectives, the Interest Group will work closely with other Sections and Interest Groups of the Association wherever appropriate.
To support the specified objectives, the Interest Group may perform any of the following functions, together with any other functions that are consistent with achieving its objectives:
- Plan, in cooperation with the Association's Program Committee, appropriate sessions on uncertainty quantification for complex systems at meetings of the Association. Further, in cooperation with other relevant Section(s) of the Association, plan appropriate sessions of mutual or overlapping interest at such meetings.
- Plan and sponsor, in cooperation with SIAM and other organizations, workshops or meetings on uncertainty quantification for complex systems.
- Establish and maintain liaisons and promote cooperation with SIAM and other scientific and professional organizations, and other Sections of the Association.
- Maintain effective communication with members of the Interest Group and others interested in uncertainty quantification for complex systems (e.g., through an Interest Group webpage, newsletters, e-mail, and other publicity releases).
- Bestow awards or provide recognition for publications, presentations, work, or service related to uncertainty quantification for complex models.
Membership in the Interest Group is open to anyone interested in Uncertainty Quantification for Complex Systems. There are no dues.
The annual business meeting of the Interest Group shall be held at a relevant conference, typically either the Joint Statistical Meetings or the SIAM-ASA Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, and shall be announced in advance, preferably in the program for that meeting. Business may also be conducted with the Interest Group members by email.
The officers of the Interest Group include the Chair, the Chair-Elect, and the Secretary. All officers attain their positions via elections. The Officers form the Executive Committee of the interest group.
The term for each position is two years. After serving the two year term as Chair-Elect, this officer then becomes Chair for the next two years, and the next Chair-Elect is elected.
The Chair is responsible for the Interest Group Annual Business meeting and coordinating with SIAM to assist with the organization of, and ensure the ASA perspective on UQ is represented at both the JSM and the biannual SIAM-ASA Conference on Uncertainty Quantification. The Chair is also responsible for ensuring the Interest Group is renewed every 3 years with the ASA, or see if conversion to an ASA Section is warranted.
The Chair is responsible for:
- the Interest Group Annual Business meeting.
- coordinating with SIAM and ASA on UQ activities.
- ensuring the ASA perspective on UQ is represented at both the JSM and the biannual SIAM-ASA Conference on Uncertainty Quantification.
- ensuring the Interest Group is renewed every 3 years with the ASA, or see if conversion to an ASA Section is warranted.
The Secretary is responsible for:
- taking minutes at the Interest Group Annual Business meeting.
- maintaining a roster of the Interest Group’s members.
- keeping the Interest Group members informed on UQ activities.
- ensure that bi-annual elections are carried out for interest group officers.
The Chair-elect shall automatically succeed the Chair at the change of officers, which shall occur on January 1.
Except for the Chair, vacancies for the officers shall be appointed by the Chair. An individual may hold no more than one position within the interest group at a time. If the office of Chair becomes vacant, the Chair-elect shall become the Chair.
The Interest Group’s immediate past Chair shall serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee. The Chair will also nominate one person to serve on the Nominating Committee.
Each election year the Nominating Committee shall submit no later than September 1st to the Secretary and the Chair of Interest Group nominations for each position to be filled. In addition, any Interest Group member nominated by petition of 5 or more members of Interest Group shall also appear on the annual ballot, provided that the petition is presented to the Secretary and Chair of the Interest Group by September 1st announcing the names of the candidates submitted by the Nominating Committee. Balloting shall be carried out by the Past Chair for electing Interest Group officers and completed by November 1st. Ballots shall be sent to all those who express an interest in the Interest Group; this includes all who so indicate as well as those attending business meetings or participating in JSM sessions.
Amendments to this charter may be proposed by the three officers of the Interest Group or by petition signed by at least 15 members of the Interest Group and submitted to the Interest Group officers. The proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Interest Group members for vote at the time of the annual election of officers. If approved by a majority of the Interest Group members voting, the amendment is approved. An approved amendment shall be effective immediately, unless otherwise specified in the amendment itself.