About the group
The Statistics and Pharmacometrics Interest Group (SxP) was named in 2016 and is chartered by both the American Statistical Association (ASA) and the International Society of Pharmacometrics (ISOP). The current steering committee is by design an eclectic and international mixture of scientists from statistical and pharmacometrics backgrounds with a shared vision of excellence in pharmaceutical research.
This SIG promotes collaboration between Statisticians and Pharmacometricians, to enable each discipline to learn and grow from interactions with each other and to develop innovative approaches to model informed drug development. Specifically, the goals of the interest group are to:
* Provide educational opportunities to learn about Statistics and Pharmacometrics
* Encourage career growth and mentoring for people new in the field
* Promote cross-disciplinary methodology research and publications, and to encourage cross ...participation at conferences
* Create best practices leveraging both disciplines
* Provide opportunities to discuss computing platforms and share code
Membership is free. Benefits of membership include subscription to a newsletter and access to the member directory. SxP will have annual section meetings at the major ISOP meetings and at the American Statistical Association’s Joint Statistical Meetings and will sponsor sessions at these and similar meetings.
To join our group, please visit our SxP website: http://community.amstat.org/sxp/hom, or e-mail. ASA/ISOP membership is not required for interest group membership so please also invite your colleagues from any related discipline to join.