The Isolated Statisticians (IsoStat) group is a collection of statisticians, each of whom is usually the only statistician (or one of two or three) in their department. While many members are academics housed in a department of mathematics, the group includes statisticians housed in various academic departments as well as those practicing in industry. In such settings, it is difficult to have meaningful discussions with departmental colleagues about the fine points of teaching or practicing statistics. This IsoStat group provides a network in which these discussions can take place.
The IsoStat group meets yearly at the Joint Statistical Meetings to discuss issues related to being isolated from other statisticians, current events in the American Statistical Association, and statistics in general. One of the most celebrated aspects of the group, IsoStat hosts an e-mail list server that is used throughout the year to share useful information and to ask questions about teaching, consulting, etc. If you would like to be added to this list, email Jeff Witmer at Oberlin College.