Student Symposium
January 17, 2025
University of Houston
2025 Call for Participation
The Houston Area Chapter of the American Statistical Association (HACASA) 2025 Student Symposium call for participation deadline is December 13, 2024. Submit your research to the premier statistics meeting that brings together Houston area data and statistical professionals. Our symposium covers a wide range of topics from statistical methodology to the applications of statistics in industry.
The symposium will be held at the University of Houston Melcher Life Sciences Building on January 17th, 2025, from 9am to 4pm. The purpose of the symposium is to showcase student research and foster networking and scientific collaboration (non-students are invited too). The program will feature student podium presentations, poster sessions, and a keynote address. With your proposal, you have the option to request a presentation type (poster or speaker), and topic. Registration is free for presenters. HACASA will offer awards for outstanding student posters and presentations.
Submit Your Proposal with title and abstract: https://forms.office.com/r/LNZ12ctfwB
To ensure smooth communication, please make sure that the Membership Committee has your most recent and accurate email address on file. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the Membership Committee privately at houstonasa@gmail.com.