As I am not sure of your goals in reading up on measurement error, I will suggest two from the area of assessment and psychometrics and two other statistical sources.
First Reliability for the social sciences: Theory and applications by Ross Traub (1994, Sage) covers pretty basic classical test theory, and covers ways of estimating reliability from test data (such as test-retest, parallel forms etc.). My favorite classic on measurement matters is Nunnally's 1978 Psychometric theory. I found it in downloadable form at it may be out of print. Chapters 6 and 7 are on measurement error and reliability, then later chapters go into factor analysis. Structural equation modeling texts may best capture the more modern take on measurement (latent variables approaches), but again I am suggesting basic treatments.
In addition I suspect the literature on "errors in variables" which is located more in the realm of statistics than measurement per se could be of value to you. Wayne Fuller's Measurement error models comes immediately to mind for a presentation in the context of linear models. I see an edited Handbook on measurement error dated 2021 but am not familiar with it and it's probably not introductory. Maybe others are familiar with that.
Best of luck and happy reading!
Betsy Becker
Mode L. Stone Distinguished Professor of
Educational Statistics Emeritus
FSU Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus
Original Message:
Sent: 11-06-2024 22:27
From: Torin Quinlivan
Subject: Good books on measurement error
I want to get a good introduction and understanding of measurement error statistics, is there any books or resources in particular you'd recommend I check out?
Torin Quinlivan
Visiting Assistant Professor
Knox College