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German to English translation - Emil Gumbel, and letters from Albert Einstein

  • 1.  German to English translation - Emil Gumbel, and letters from Albert Einstein

    Posted 10 days ago

    Dear colleagues, 

    We're looking for someone who can assist us with translations from German to English. 

    ---A bit of serendipity.  Yesterday I discovered that Albert Einstein had written letters of reference for Emil Gumbel. These are documented here and we'd appreciate assistance in the translations from German to English.

    Also in collaboration with the ASA History of Statistics Group, we are tracking down other original documents ,often in German, pertaining to Emil Gumbel.

    One important source of scans/microfiche of Gumbel's original documents is the online (public domain) records at the Museum of Jewish history. These document are  variously in English, French and German. 

    And Einstein's help must have been very valuable. At one point the "national socialists" in Germany   declared Emil Gumbel an enemy of the people, leading he and his family to , move first to France, then later to the United states and eventually to Columbia in NYC. Gumbell's life was more than once in serious jeopardy and there is at least one failed assassination attempt

    ----Google translate is handy.  I'm inviting a German speaker to assist us with translating letters between Albert Einstein and Emil Gumbel from German to English. 

    These letters are cited and excerpted here 

    Also rather than the excerpts, WE are attempting to locate  the original versions of the letters with Albert Einstein and others who supported Gumbel.

    -thank you

    Chris Barker, Ph.D.
    Past Chair
    Statistical Consulting Section
    Consultant and
    Adjunct Associate Professor of Biostatistics

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    -Steve Lacy