Article I - NameThis organization shall be known as the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Statistical Association.Article II - PurposeThe purpose of this organization shall be to foster, in the broadest manner, statistics and its applications and promote unity and effectiveness of effort among all groups in the area having an interest in or being concerned with statistical problems. Membership in, or holding of office in the organization shall in no way be considered as consisting of, or carrying responsibility or liability of a business partnership.Article III - Membership and Dues
The membership of this Chapter shall consist of three categories:
1. Full Members: Persons holding membership in the American Statistical Association and in the Chapter.
2. Associate Members: Persons interested in statistics in general or the Chapter in particular, who are not also members of the American Statistical Association.
3. Student Members: Full-time students at accredited colleges or universities.
Membership in the Chapter will be granted upon paying dues. To maintain membership, a member must not be a year or more in arrears for paying Chapter dues. Anyone may participate in Chapter activities, but only may vote and only full members may hold office. Annual dues shall be payable according to schedules and procedures established by the Chapter.
Article IV- OfficersThe officers of the organization, who shall be members of both the National Association and Local Chapter, shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an ASA Chapter Representative. The officers, with the exception of the ASA Chapter Representative, shall be duly elected during the annual Spring meeting. The Chapter Representative shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, and shall serve a three year term with the dates determined by the ASA Council of Chapters rotation pattern. Terms of office of the President and President-Elect shall be one year, with the President-Elect becoming President following his/her term as President-Elect. Terms of the Secretary (even numbered years) and Treasurer (odd numbered years) shall be two years, with one office being, vacated each year so that terms of office are staggered. The Executive Committee shall fill any vacancy that may occur between the elections in any office. Full members can be invited to assist the Executive Committee on an as needed basis. Article V – Executive CommitteeThe Executive Committee shall consist of elected and appointed officers. The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a year. The President shall call all meetings of the Executive Committee.Article VI - MeetingsThe Chapter year shall begin July 1 and end the following June 30th. There shall be two or more regular meetings. The President shall call the regular meetings of the Chapter, including the annual Spring meeting, during which election of officers shall be held. Officers shall be elected prior to June 30 of each year to serve a term of office beginning July 1. Other meetings may be called as desired, at the request of members to the President. Article VII - National ConstitutionAny and all provisions of the Constitution of the American Statistical Association shall be considered to take precedence over this chapter's constitution included herein for use where applicable and necessary.Article VIII - Duties of the OfficersPresident:1. To provide general direction and leadership for all activities of the Chapter during the President's term of office and in other ways aid the Chapter's growth and vitality2. To preside over and make arrangements for the Chapter meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee.3. To provide copy to the National ASA on requests concerning Chapter activities.4. To solicit candidates for the Maurice Davies Award from the local universities and administer to the Maurice Davies Award for outstanding students at the annual Spring meeting.5. To provide a summary to the President-Elect of the Chapter activities at the expiration of his/her term of office. President-Elect:1. To provide assistance to the President in all ways possible.2. To preside in the absence of the President at Chapter or Executive meetings.Secretary:1. To notify the National Association of Chapter election results.2. To prepare and distribute notices of all meetings and to keep brief minutes of all meetings. 3. To correspond to and to perform other duties required to carry on the Chapter administrative functions. Treasurer:1. To collect dues.2. To administer the funds of the Chapter and make out reports of the financial condition of the Chapter.3. To maintain the membership record of the Chapter4. To perform other functions as might bear upon the financial well-being of the Chapter.ASA Chapter Representative:1. Encourage and serve as the communications link between the local Chapter and the Council of Chapters
- Complete and return the Annual Report of Chapter Activities to the Council of Chapters Governing Board.
- Disseminate communications from the Council to local Chapter members and insure Chapter follow-up.
- Present to the Council the needs and concerns of the local Chapter.
- Encourage Chapter participation in Council programs and initiatives.
- Insure that someone from the Chapter notifies ASA’s Chapters Liaison of their election results within 30 days of the election.
2. Attend the Business Meeting and Workshop of the Council of Chapters at the Annual Meetings of the ASA.
3. Participate in the election of the Chair-Elect of the Council of Chapters.
4. Participate in the election of the Vice Chair for his or her local District.
Article IX- AmendmentsThis Constitution may be amended by an affirmative 2/3 (two thirds) vote of the chapter members at any meeting of this Chapter, provided notices of such meeting and of the proposed amendment shall have been available to each voting member at least two weeks before the date of the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be voted upon; or by action of the Board of Directors of the ASA. Article X- Dissolution
In the event of a dissolution of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, the officers shall, after paying or making provision for payment and discharge of all of the liabilities of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, distribute all of the remaining assets of said Chapter to the American Statistical Association exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary, and educational purposes. The American Statistical Association is an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue .
Any changes in the amount of the annual Chapter dues, for regular, associate and student members, shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority of members voting at the Annual Meeting of the Chapter. Notice of the proposed dues changes shall have been sent to each member at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. (A response received from a member at least 24 hours prior to the meeting, will be considered the same as the vote of a member attending the meeting.) The Executive Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the financial operations of the Chapter and for insuring the fiscal soundness of such operations.
Revised 10/11/19 (EMJ); Revised 4/20/2018 (BDW); Revised 8/26/96 (BGB)