Summer 2024 Issue

Summer 2024 Issue

Welcome to the Summer 2024 issue of Chapter Chatter, the newsletter for and about ASA chapters. The Council of Chapters Governing Board (COCGB) established this publication to foster improved communications between the COCGB and chapters and among chapters by providing a forum for spreading news throughout the statistics community about ASA chapter initiatives and activities.


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Upcoming Events

Council of Chapters Traveling Courses Update
Thank you to all the chapters who have been hosting Council of Chapters Traveling Courses. We are thrilled about the popularity of these courses over the years. In order to keep this a vibrant and popular program, we have two announcements...Read more

Recent News & Highlights

News from the Alabama-Mississippi Chapter

The Alabama-Mississippi chapter hosted its annual conference at Auburn University on April 13. Sixty-four current and prospective chapter members attended from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Mississippi State University, the University of Mississippi, the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Auburn University, Gadsden State Community College, and several companies...Read more


News from the Arizona Chapter

In April, the Arizona Chapter supported an ASA DataFest with participation from three universities: Arizona State University; Northern Arizona University; and the University of Arizona. Backed by local sponsors, students who joined in person were provided free meals throughout the three-day event. Every participant who completed DataFest received commemorative T-shirts and certificates...Read more


News from the Cincinnati Chapter

For our spring seminar, the Cincinnati Chapter welcomed Ron Wasserstein, executive director of the American Statistical Association. Wasserstein spoke on “Moving to a World Beyond p<0.05.” The talk was offered in-person at Miami University and online, and there were more than one hundred participants. Our officers also talked with Wasserstein about chapter activities and heard about plans for the ASA over lunch...Read more


News from the Kansas Western-Missouri Chapter

The 17th annual Innovations in Design, Analysis, and Dissemination: Frontiers in Biostatistics and Data Science symposium was held at the University of Kansas Edwards campus on April 25 and 26. This symposium is jointly sponsored by the University of Kansas Medical Center Department of Biostatistics and Data Science, the Kansas-Western Missouri Chapter of the ASA, the University of Kansas Cancer Center, the Quantitative Omics Core that supports the Kansas Institute for Precision Medicine, K-INBRE, and EMB Statistical Solutions, LLC...Read more


News from the
Kentucky Chapter

This spring, we hosted our spring meeting at the University of Kentucky with options for virtual attendance. The meeting featured a presentation from the ASA Chapter Visitation Program, a student research symposium, and a keynote presentation. The ASA Chapter Visitation Program presentation was delivered by ASA President-elect Ji-Hyun Lee (University of Florida) and was titled “The Future of Work: Statistics and Data Science as Leading Professions in Diverse Fields”...Read more

News from the Nevada Chapter

The Nevada Chapter just awarded prizes in the annual K-12 poster competition, founded in 2004. Open to all K-12 students at any school or home school in Nevada, the competition provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate mathematical understanding and use their imaginations. Winners receive prize money, and their posters compete in the National ASA Statistics Poster Competition..Read more

News from the North Texas Chapter

On November 30, 2023, the North Texas Chapter hosted Kyu Ha Lee, assistant professor of biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. His talk, titled “A Scalable Multivariate Variable Selection Approach for Zero-Inflated Count Data,” focused on a new multivariate method for analyzing microbiome sequencing data. The proposed approach was demonstrated to have superior performance compared to existing models.

..Read more

News from the
Northeastern Illinois Chapter

On January 1, the year began with the installation of the new chapter officers that had been elected/confirmed at the end of last year. The chapter has a new president, Jung Wook Park, and a new president-elect, Lei Shu. Both of them, and the past president, Saurabh Mukhopadhyay, will serve two-year terms in those offices. Recognizing the importance of fostering robust communications among chapter members, the new president aims to build bridges, share knowledge, and propel the chapter forward...Read more

News from the Philadelphia Chapter

The Philadelphia Chapter has had an active schedule for the past several months. We continue to provide a variety of activities to our members and take part in local events that can broaden the impact of the chapter...Read more

News from the Southeast Texas Chapter

The Southeast Texas Chapter held its annual poster session on May 1. The event was hosted at the department of statistics of Texas A&M University and featured 15 posters presented by junior statisticians (undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs). The posters covered a range of topics in statistics and its applications, showcasing research work by the presenters...Read more

Officer Tips & Information

Council of Chapters Activities in Association with JSM

Council of Chapters Workshop (open to all chapter officers)

Tuesday, Aug 64:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Portland 
Room: H-Columbia 1 

Post-JSM Region-specific COC Business Meetings (online)

Friday, August 16

Region 1 (Districts 1 & 2): 12:00 – 1:30 PM Eastern

Region 2 (Districts 3 & 4): 2:00 – 3:30 PM Eastern

Region 3 (Districts 5 & 6: 4:00 – 5:30 PM Eastern

A Roadmap for ASA Chapter Rejuvenation 

Tom Krenzke, Jamie Perrett, Maureen Mayer, Alexandra Hanlon, and Mimi Kim 

Has it been more than a year since your chapter last met? Are you having difficulty finding new officers and/or involving early-career statisticians? Does your chapter need rejuvenation? This article provides guidance we hope will help you attain the status of a healthy ASA Chapter...Read more