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FHWA Transportation Statistics Reports

1.   White Paper: Enhancing Statistical Methodologies for Highway Safety Research—Impetus from FHWA

The Federal Highway Administration’s ultimate goal for the Development of Crash Modification Factors (DCMF) program is to save lives by identifying new safety strategies that effectively reduce crashes and promoting them for nationwide installation by providing measures of their safety effectiveness.

Statistical methodologies are heavily used for all studies performed under the DCMF, but these methodologies have been borrowed from other fields and, therefore, have limitations in capability and applicability when used for highway safety research. Secondary goal of the DCMF program is to advance highway safety and related research by establishing sound statistical methodologies, specifically for highway transportation, in cooperation with the American Statistical Association and other statistical communities. This white paper identifies and discusses opportunities for advancing methodologies to estimate crash modification factors (CMFs) and safety performance functions (SPFs) and outlines considerations and future steps that should be taken to encourage researchers to explore these techniques in their research to develop CMFs and SPFs. 


2.   Safety Evaluation of Continuous Green T Intersections 

The research documented in this report was conducted as part of the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Evaluation of Low-Cost Safety Improvements Pooled Fund Study (ELCSI-PFS). The ELCSI-PFS studies provide a crash modification factor and benefit-cost (B/C) economic analysis for each of the targeted safety strategies identified as priorities by the pooled fund member States. 

This study compares the safety performance of the continuous green T (CGT) intersections with conventional signalized T intersections using treatment and comparison sites from Florida and South Carolina. The results show crashes were reduced for expected total, fatal and injury, and target (rear-end, angle, and sideswipe) crashes at the CGT intersection compared with the conventional signalized T intersection. Further, the B/C analysis indicated that the CGT intersection is a cost-effective alternative to the traditional, signalized T intersection. This report is intended for practicing engineers.



NHTSA Estimates Traffic Fatality Increase in 2015

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently released a projection of traffic fatalities for 2015 shows that an estimated 35,200 people died in motor vehicle traf­fic crashes. This represents an increase of about 7.7 percent as compared to the 32,675 fatalities that were reported to have occurred in 2014. If these projec­tions are realized, fatalities will be at the highest level since 2008, when 37,423 fatalities were reported. Preliminary data reported by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) shows that vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in 2015 increased by about 107.2 billion miles, or about a 3.5-percent increase. The fatality rate for 2015 increased to 1.12 fatalities per 100 million VMT, up from 1.08 fatalities per 100 million VMT in 2014


American Statistical Association (ASA):
  ASA Section on Government Statistics:

Transportation Research Board (TRB):
  TRB Travel Survey Methods Committee (ABJ40):
  TRB Statistical Methods Committee (ABJ80):
  TRB Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee (ABJ30):
  TRB Committee on Public Transportation Planning and Development (AP025):

U.S. Department of Transportation:
  Bureau of Transportation Statistics:  
Transportation Statistics Users Group (TSUG)
     TSUG Archived Newsletters