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FY25 Statistical Agency Budget Developments


The Biden Administration is release its FY25 budget request on March 11, 2025. I will be filling in information as I become aware of it. This blog entry will track FY25 appropriations developments for the federal statistical agencies and so will be updated accordingly. (See update log below.) To receive notifications of updates, follow ASA Science Policy on Twitter: @ASA_SciPol. 

See also, FY25 NIH, NSF, and AHRQ Budget Developments and federal statistical agency budgets back to fiscal year 2003 (FY03)


     Agency   FY18   FY19   FY20  FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24  Request   % change vs FY23  House   Senate   Final  %
BEA 99.0 98.0 105.8 108.4 111.7 121.9 118 130.2 6.6 ~1096 122
BJS 48.0 43 43 45 40 42 35 42 0 33 41
BLS  612.0  615.0 6282 6422 659.52 697.95 697.95 712.8 2.1 697.95 702.95
BTS1 26 26 26 26 29 26.25 26.5 38.8 47  
Census 2814 3821 7558 1107 1354 1485 1382.5 1596.6 7.5 13547 1577.7
EIA  125 125 126.8 126.8 129.1 135 135 141.7 4.9
ERS 86.8 86.8 84.8 85.5 87.8 92.6 90.6 98 5.8 85.6 90.6
NASS 191.7 174.5 180.3 183.9 190.2 211 187.5 195 -7.7 187.5 193.5
 -Census of Ag 46.3 46.9 66.4 46.9
NCES3  258.5 260.5 263.5 276.5 291.5 306.5 306.5 306.5 0 307.5 306.5
 -stats 109.5 109.5 110.5 111.5 111.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 0 122.5 121.5
 -assess 185 185 185 0 185 185
NCSES 62.4 64.0 65.0 66.69 67.7 90.8 96.9 6.7
NCHS4 174.4  174.4 174.4 175.4 180.4 187.4 187.4 187.4 0 187.4 187.4
ORES 27 35.45 36.0 35.7  39.7 40.9 41.4 1.2
SOI 37.1 36.8 35.9 40.0 42.4 41.7 52.2 25.9

 Levels in millions of dollars; Agency abbreviations listed below; NCES is for Statistics and Assessment (not NAGB or SLDS)
Latest Action: *Subcommittee mark-up; **Committee mark-up; ***Passed the Floor
&Not available because of lack of sufficient detail in summary, bill or conference report; 
NATD (or blank): No Action To Date
1The BTS is funded through the Highway Trust Fund with levels determined by the authorizing committees. Congress is currently working on a transportation bill.
2The FY20, FY21, FY22 request, FY22 "Final", and FY23 Request levels for BLS includes $27 million, $13 M, $28.47M, $28.470M, and $15.4 M respectively, for its relocation. The relocation funds are are not reflected in the table to make the levels comparable with the FY19 and prior year funding levels.
3The NCES budget level includes both statistics and assessment. The levels do not include budget for National Assessment Governing Board. 
4The NCHS budget went through budget realignment in FY21. The prior year budgets have been adjusted to make them comparable.
The ORES went through a budget restructuring in FY19 when the Office of Retirement Policy (ORP) was merged into ORES. The FY18 ORP budget was $2.253M.

6The BEA budget is combined with the DOC Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, for which we assume the estimate is $7 million.

7The FY25 House CJS bill also contains concerning policy riders:

Updates (and sources):

    See also: 

    Statistical Agency abbreviations

     BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis
    BJS Bureau of Justice Statistics
    BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
    BTS Bureau of Transportation Statistics 
    ERS Economic Research Service
    EIA Energy Information Administration
    NASS National Agricultural Statistics Service
    NCES National Center for Education Statistics 
    NCHS National Center for Health Statistics
    NCSES National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, NSF
    ORES Office of Research, Evaluation, and Statistics, SSA
    SOI Statistics of Income Division, IRS

    See other ASA Science Policy blog entries


