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The 2nd CANSSI-NISS Health Data Science Workshop, August 3-4, 2023

  • 1.  The 2nd CANSSI-NISS Health Data Science Workshop, August 3-4, 2023

    Posted 05-21-2023 23:44
    Edited by Lingzhou Xue 05-21-2023 23:49


    Nowadays, statisticians and health data scientists actively work together on the frontier of biological, medical, and public health research. The transdisciplinary collaboration not only develops the modern foundations of Health Data Science but also accelerates the pace of scientific discovery and innovation.

    The 2nd CANSSI-NISS Health Data Science Workshop will be held on August 3-4, 2023. The two-day workshop brings statisticians and health data scientists from the U.S. and Canada together to explore current approaches and new challenges for learning Big Data in Health Data Science. 

    The two-day workshop consists of two keynote presentations, three themed invited sessions, a poster competition for students and new researchers, and a banquet/dinner on the first day.

    Register on Eventbrite Here

    Keynote speakers:

    Invited Sessions:

    Session 1: Statistical Methods for Precision Health 

    Michael Wallace,  University of Waterloo
    Jeremy Taylor, University of Michigan
    Eleanor Pullenayegum, U Toronto, Hospital for Sick Children
    Rob Deardon, University of Calgary 

    Session 2: Causal Inference for Big Health Data  

    Debashis Ghosh, Colorado School of Public Health
    Lan Wen, University of Waterloo
    Shu Yang, North Carolina State University
    MireilleSchnizer and Cong Jiang, Université de Montréal

    Session 3: AI and Health Data Science 

    Ali Ghodsi, University of Waterloo
    Qi Long, University of Pennsylvania
    Rob Strawderman, University of Rochester
    Grace Yi,  Western U, Ontario

    Registration Details

    Full Registration Price: $270 CAD/$200 USD

    Discounted registration fees for this workshop will apply to the following registrants. Please Contact Organizers through Eventbrite to receive your promo code for the discount.

    • Conference Speakers
    • CANSSI National Institutional Members
    • NISS Affiliate Members
    • Students currently enrolled at a university

    Please Note: NISS affiliates can use their Affiliate Award Funds towards registration. Please get in touch with your NISS liaison (Check the List of NISS Affiliates) to learn more about these funds.  Registrants from NISS-affiliated institutions are eligible for reimbursement after the workshop.

    Accommodation Details

    The organizers have booked two hotels for the accommodation of attendees for the earliest arrival on Tuesday, 01 August 2023 - latest departure on Saturday, 05 August 2023. The following details include information on hotels, room rates, and parking. Please see the full conference accommodation details available here: 

    On-Campus Accommodations:

    Hotel Accommodations:

    Lingzhou Xue
    Penn State University