Dear ASA Community and Beyond,
The Survey Research Methods Section will host the following webinar. Note that even if you can't make the scheduled time, you can still see the webinar. Everyone who is registered will get a link to the recording to access a few days after the webinar occurs. If you have any questions please reach out to me at
Title: Accounting for Bias In Big Data
Presenter: David Marker, PhD, Marker Consulting, LLC
Date and Time: Monday, October 23, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. EST
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Registration Deadline: October 23, at 11:30 a.m. EST
Description: Government agencies are excited by the prospect of using Big Data sets to supplement and/or replace surveys in the production of official statistics. But Big Data are known to suffer from many sources of potential bias. Do their large sizes overcome these biases so that they can be useful for official data? Recent research by Xiao-Li Meng and others has demonstrated the limitations of Big Data with examples from COVID-19 vaccinations and elections. This talk will summarize some of that research and then look at whether electronic health records can be used to improve on the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System estimates of diabetes prevalence and control at the state level. This research has wide application to Big Data in general, and the potential usefulness of a wide range of electronic health records data sets like All of Us and IQVia.
Registration Fees:
Survey Research Methods Section Members: $20
ASA Members: $30
Student ASA Member: $25
Nonmembers: $45
Each registration is allowed one web connection. Sound is received via audio streaming from your computer's speakers.
REGISTRATION: The registration website was set-up by Rick Peterson, ASA. Please follow the link Click or tap if you trust this link." rel="noopener">
Access Information: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. In the body of the confirmation email under the “Additional Information” header is information on how to access the webinar. Save this email or register with Zoom right away.
Julia Soulakova
2023-24 SRMS Education Officer
Professor of Medicine
University of Central Florida