
2022 CT ASA Poster Winners

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2021 CT ASA Poster Winners
We are very happy to announce this year's winners of our K-12 poster contest! They are:

Grades K-3

1st place - "Shaping habits of elementary school kids", Mubashwir Ariyan, Dorothy C. Goodwin School

2nd place - "Dogs vs. cats", Mathias Lemma, Blackham School

3rd place - "What are the leading causes of bird mortality?", Raifa Azarin Khan, Annie E. Vinton Elementary School

Honorable Mention - "Is there COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the 65+ aged population of USA owing to EUA by FDA?", Saanvi Jahagirdar, Catherine Kolnaski Magnet School


Grades 4-6

1st place - "Impacts of COVID-19 mitigation on middle school students' school experience", Madelyn Ventola and Emerson McGoldrick, Frank Ward Strong School

2nd place - "Trashy beach project", Holden Salemma, Northeast Academy Arts Magnet School

3rd place - "How popular are instruments?", Ye Ahn Sohn, West Woods Upper Elementary School

Honorable Mention - "How do heart rates vary between kids and adults while doing different exercises?", Zoe Moon, Northeast Academy Arts Magnet School

Honorable Mention - "Are wildfires a great concern?", Mubtasim Rafan, Dorothy C. Goodwin School


Grades 7-9

1st place - "Testing methods of reducing failure caused by unexpected data in the testing sample of a multilayer perceptron", Annika Yun, Amity Regional High School

2nd place - "Connecticut's wealth disparity: The correlation between student expenses and performance", Kate Soo Hyun Kim and Claire Jeon, James Hill House High School / Cheshire High School

3rd place - "Creating an algorithm that automatically scores tissue images like a pathologist", Iris Yan, Amity Regional High School

Honorable Mention - "Creating a detection system to aid in the prevention of potential kitchen fires", Aarav Patel, Amity Regional High School


Grades 10-12

1st place - "Comparison of chemical exposure from face mask materials before and after washing treatments", Allison Su, Amity Regional High School

2nd place - "DTI analysis investigating the association of reduced white matter integrity on synaptic density in Alzheimer's disease", Melinda Lu, Amity Regional High School

3rd place - "The role of gene expression of non-homologous end joining pathways in the progression of ovarian cancer", Ethan Lavi, Amity Regional High School

Honorable Mention - "Analyzing if racial disparities are present in medical device advertisements for total joint replacement", Anchal Bahel, Amity Regional High School

Honorable Mention - "Development of a WatchOS application that uses HRV and vibrational pulses to reduce stress", Sheehan Munim and Allen Liu, Amity Regional High School


We will post the winners and images of some winning posters.

Please check back soon for this information.

A big congratulations to all of the above winners, and a big thank you to all of the participants this year. All of the posters we received were outstanding---thanks very much for encouraging your students to participate in this activity.

Zhou Fan, Leying Guan
CT ASA K-12 Outreach Coordinators

New High School Outreach Program

We are excited to initiate a Connecticut high school outreach program. The program aims to bring professional statisticians and statistics college students into Connecticut High Schools, to ignite student’s interest in the statistical profession, through the following opportunities:

  1. Professional statisticians coming into classrooms to introduce themselves, give a little background on their journey into statistics, provide an overview of how they use statistics in their jobs, and a Q&A.
  1. Undergraduate/graduate students coming into classrooms to introduce themselves, give a little background on their decision to pursue a college statistics degree, provide an overview of what they are studying in statistics, and a Q&A.
  1. Option to create a more focused discussion, based on a specific topic that is being taught in the classroom.

 We are hoping to pilot this program in Fall 2021. It will be organized and led by CT ASA board member Sabrina Vogel Marler (CC'ed).

If you are a teacher who is potentially interested in augmenting your curriculum with this program, please contact us for more information! If you are interested in this type of program at a middle or elementary school level, feel free to contact us also, and we may consider extending the program if there is sufficient interest. Please also help us spread the word about this new program to your colleagues.

Wishing you all the best, and a safe and restful summer to come,

Zhou Fan, Leying Guan
CT ASA K-12 Outreach Coordinators

2021 CT ASA Poster Competition
Sponsored by
The Connecticut Chapter of the American Statistical Association

Posters must be received by: April 16, 2021

This year’s poster contest will be held virtually. Participants should take a high quality photograph of the finished poster, and submit this to the email address below.

Posters may also be prepared entirely in a digital format (for example using Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Illustrator).

Posters will be judged in four grade categories:
  • K - 3
  • 4 - 6
  • 7 - 9
  • 10 - 12
Winning schools and students will be awarded certificates as well as monetary prizes.  In each category, first place poster will receive $100, second place poster will receive $75, and third place poster $50. (Monetary prizes are awarded per poster, not per individual for team entries.)

Posters may also be submitted directly to the national competition.

Important dates:
The deadline for submission is Friday, April 16, 2021.
An awards ceremony may be held in late April, 2021 in the event that it is safe and feasible to do so. Otherwise, the winners of the contest will be announced via email and on the CT ASA chapter website.

Winning and honorable mention posters will be automatically forwarded to the American Statistical Association National Poster Competition.

Submission instructions:
Please send the finished poster and a scanned copy of the entry form (click here, scroll to last page):

If you have any questions, please contact us by email at and

Zhou Fan and Leying Guan
CT ASA K-12 Outreach Coordinators