I saw the link in my email, but every email system is different. If you want to register for any of the ASA webinars, go to the ASA website and click on "Your Career" in the menu bar, followed by "Professional Development" and "Professional Development that Comes to You" and finally "Web Based Lectures". My webinar is right beneath the November 5 webinar by Martin Ho. The direct link for this page is here
Web-Based Lecturesif you can click on it. Bookmark this page, as the ASA has an outstanding series of speakers for these web based lectures, and I'm thrilled that they invited me as well.
Stephen Simon, blog.pmean.com
Independent Statistical Consultant
P. Mean Consulting
Original Message:
Sent: 10-29-2018 10:05
From: William Bentley
Subject: Webinar: Finding Customers for Your Independent Consulting Practice
I'd like to attend this webinar but don't see a registration link.
William Bentley
Original Message:
Sent: 10-25-2018 11:17
From: Chuck Kincaid
Subject: Webinar: Finding Customers for Your Independent Consulting Practice
Hello ASA Members, Colleagues and Friends,
The highly anticipated next section webinar is coming up November 7th. Information is below and you can register here.
Title: Finding Customers for Your Independent Consulting Practice
Presenter: Steve Simon
Date and Time: Wednesday, November 7, 2018, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Eastern time
Registration Deadline: Monday, November 5, at 12:00 p.m. Eastern time
If you want to set up your own consulting business, you need to get the word out to potential customers. There are traditional ways to do this, but there are also new ways of improving your visibility using social media. This webinar will compare and contrast the traditional approaches (such as giving talks and volunteering) to "old school" Internet (such as websites and email newsletters) to social media (such as Facebook and Twitter). The key to all three approaches is that you give away small samples of what you know for free to establish your credibility and build up a network of contacts.
If you have suggestions or requests for future webinars, or are interested in giving one related to Statistical Consulting, please contact me, <maskemail>chuck.kincaid@...</maskemail>.
Thank you!
Chuck Kincaid
Experis Business Analytics