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About Telecommuting, Statistics and Covid-19 Fallout

  • 1.  About Telecommuting, Statistics and Covid-19 Fallout

    Posted 05-28-2020 12:44
    There is an article on Page 2 of today's (V/28/20) WSJ titled "Many want to keep working from home". It discusses how both, management and workers, enjoyed the Covid-19 generated telecommuting experience, and presents some interesting statistics about it.

    This idea shows a positive fallout from the scourge of Covid-19. If this idea succeeds, it will open a whole new world of opportunities for retired statisticians and for those unable/unwilling to relocate to the big cities. For, under telecommuting, those interested in part (or full) time work could obtain it. And lots of valuable experience, from currently retired professionals, could be used to supplement (or to train and mentor the expertise of) younger professionals in the field. While an ASQ Regional Director for NY and PA, I tried very hard to convince management of this possibility, to no avail. Its time hadn't arrived.

    There is also a fallout in the opposite direction: from a quarter of century Off-shoring jobs to the current Covid-19 Pandemia. As I have taught and worked in the Stats/OR field for over 45 years, I developed an LP optimization paper that shows this link. IF interested, you will find it in:

    (PDF) Off-Shoring, Taxpayers, and the Coronavarus Pandemic 

    Jorge L. Romeu
    Emeritus SUNY Faculty
    Adjunct Professor, Syracuse U.