Careers in Statistics Promotional Toolkit

The American Statistical Association, through its This is Statistics public awareness campaign, has prepared a promotional toolkit that ASA local chapters and their members can use to address or introduce students at the college and high school levels to careers in statistics.

The following toolkit resources can be used by chapters or individual chapter members at high school or college career days, academic department open houses, employer information sessions, or other events where students gather to learn about fields of study and careers.

  • Fact Sheets about careers in statistics. These one-page and two-page fact sheets feature some of the most important information about careers in statistics. Post the one-page fact sheet on a bulletin board and hand out the two-page fact sheet at events.
  • PowerPoint presentation. Speakers can deliver this presentation to show how exciting and important the field of statistics is and how it has grown in recent years.
  • Talking Points for each of the PowerPoint slides. This can be used as an aid in delivering the PowerPoint presentation. The talking points also can be used as a standalone speech if the speaker does not wish or is not able to use a PowerPoint.
  • Video Library of This is Statistics campaign videos. These can be streamed on-demand at

Promoting careers in statistics to high-school and college undergraduate students would make a great activity for a chapter project and therefore would count as an activity for your chapter’s annual activity report.

For more information on how to use these materials, download the Promotional Toolkit Guidance document.