
Programs Offered by ASA

Chapter Mentoring Virtual Workshop
Chapter representatives share their experiences and lessons learned. The workshop is moderated by David Morganstein and Mary Kwasny. Recorded March 18, 2019. Running time 1 hour and 42 minutes. Click here to view the video. Presentation slides.

Chapter Stimulus Funding Program

A new national ASA program, called “Chapter Stimulus Funding,” has begun that allocates funding to chapters designed to elevate chapter enthusiasm and growth in the membership. These funds can be used for new initiatives, or to do things you are doing now but in a bigger and better way. A key component to the program is that the funds can only be spent on chapter activities that have the potential for a broad impact across the chapter and for the chapter membership. Another way to say that is that the funds cannot be spent on an activity that only benefits a small number of chapter members.

Council of Chapters Traveling Course

The ASA Traveling Course provides low-cost, local courses for Chapters. The Council of Chapters covers speaker travel expenses and honorarium. The Chapter covers advertising, local arrangements (including hotel and local travel), producing the course materials, and coordinates registration.

Chapter Visitation Program

The Chapter Visitation Program is probably one of the most visible means by which ASA shows its support and concern for its Chapters. The visitor is generally the ASA President, Vice President, Executive Director, or a Council of Chapters Governing Board member. The purpose of the visit is to communicate with the Chapters on issues of concern to the Chapter and the Association. The visit is also expected to stimulate and revitalize Chapters by providing a prominent speaker.

ASA Award for Outstanding Chapter Service 

In 1991 the Council of Chapters established the ASA Award for Outstanding Chapter Service. This award provides each Chapter with a way of acknowledging the extraordinary contributions made by a particular Chapter member. The award consists of a certificate presented at a chapter event and a listing in the JSM Awards Booklet. Every chapter is eligible to present the award to one chapter member each year. Recipients of the award in the past three years are not eligible. Award winners must be submitted no later than April 22 to be included in the JSM Awards Booklet. Submit winners using the online form. The list of past winners is viewable here.

JSM Chapter Events

The Council of Chapters supports three different programs for Chapter members at the annual Joint Statistical Meetings:

The business meeting is used to discuss with the Council members the activities of the Council during the past year, plans for the coming year, and to present the Chapter Service Recognition Awards and other Council-related awards. The workshop is used as a forum for Chapter officers to share experiences, learn how others have managed their Chapters, and become acquainted with resources available from the Association. The invited sessions are topics generally of interest to a broad audience.

Careers in Statistics Promotional Toolkit

The American Statistical Association, through its This is Statistics public awareness campaign, has prepared a promotional toolkit that ASA local chapters and their members can use to address or introduce students at the college and high school levels to careers in statistics.

ASA Poster and Project Competition for K-12 Students

The ASA/NCTM Joint Committee on the Curriculum in Statistics and Probability and the American Statistical Association's Center for Statistics Education encourage students and their advisors to participate in its annual Poster Competition and Project Competition. Many ASA chapters sponsor their own local competition for students and then forward the winners of the local contests to ASA for judging in the national competition.

Membership Campaigns

ASA sponsors membership campaigns to grow chapter and national membership.

Other Resources

How To Promote Your Chapter Event

Your Chapter's Web Presence