ASA Chapter Stimulus Funding Program
The Chapter Stimulus Funding program is designed to elevate chapter enthusiasm and to stimulate growth in chapter membership. These funds can be used for new initiatives, or for activities the chapter is already doing but in a bigger and better way. A key component to the program is the funds can only be spent on chapter activities that have the potential for a broad impact across the chapter and for the chapter membership. Funds cannot be spent on activities that benefit only a small number of chapter members.
The basic components of the program are as follows:
- Each January 1st, all chapters who have filed an annual report are eligible to receive a maximum of $1,000 from the ASA that can be spent on one or more activities specified on the current Council of Chapters Governing Board (COCGB) approved list found below (or other COCGB approved activities on a case-by-case basis). This money does not roll over into the next year.
- Prior to each activity, the Chapter Treasurer must complete a Chapter Stimulus Funding Application Form.
- The COCGB District Vice-Chair will notify the chapter and ASA headquarters when the Chapter’s proposed activity has been approved. Receipts for the activity must be sent within 30 days after the event.
Chapters must report on the activities these funds were used for in their annual chapter reports. Chapters only become eligible for use of the ASA funds after they have filed their annual reports.
Chapters are encouraged to take advantage of this great opportunity to inject fun and usefulness into their events. Finally, if you have in mind a planned activity you feel has a broad impact but is not listed on the pre-approved list, please discuss that activity with your COCGB District Vice-Chair.
Current List of ASA Approved Chapter Activities for Reimbursements
The activities are intended to elevate chapter enthusiasm and/or stimulate growth in chapter membership. A key component to the program is that the funds can only be spent on chapter activities that have the potential for broad impact across the chapter and for the chapter membership. Funds cannot be spent on activities benefitting only a small number of chapter members. Illustrative activities/expenses for reimbursements:
Continuing Education (mini-conferences, short-courses, workshops, seminars etc.)
- Speaker honorarium
- Speaker travel and/or lodging support (excluding any expenses associated with COC Traveling Courses)
- CE event expenses (e.g., food, printing, space rental, etc.)
- Webinar costs (e.g., costs for hosting a webinar)
- Workshop for K-12 or other teacher training to increase awareness of the profession and the chapter with chapter recruiting efforts
Student Support
- Prizes for data competitions that are held at chapter events.
- Student Career Day sponsorship (including expenses for invited speakers and panelists, and other expenses, e.g., food etc.)
- Sponsorship for poster competitions or DataFest (including reimbursement expenses for invited judges, other expenses like food, etc.)
- Support for joint events between a student chapter and a regular chapter (including food, travel)
- Annual chapter meeting expenses (including food, refreshments etc.).
- Chapter award dinner for all chapter members
- Reception after chapter associated events
- IT expenses for virtual meeting (e.g., Zoom, WebEx etc.)
Outreach: These will be approved only if the outreach event allows chapter recruitment activities or if all chapter members could benefit in a demonstrable way.
- Sponsorship for K-12 activities, including purchasing materials for school projects or games, and also demonstrations and promotional materials.
- Co-sponsorship of regional symposiums
Chapter Stimulus Funding Application Form