JSM Best Student Paper Award

The Business and Economic Statistics Section (B&E) of the American Statistical Association (ASA) will offer up to four student paper awards for B&E student members in doctoral programs in business, economics, econometrics, statistics, or allied disciplines. The section encourages submissions on novel methods, theories, and applications from all areas of business and economic statistics. Support is offered for students to participate in the 2025 Joint Statistical Meetings, to be held in Nashville, Tennessee, August 2-7, 2025.

Student paper award applications must include this form (JSM_2025_B_E_Best_Student_Paper_Awards.pdf) and the additional materials listed below. The ASA has some further requirements on applications for student awards to any ASA section – please read these at:


Note: Students may submit papers to no more than two sections and may accept only one section's award. Students must inform both sections applied to when he or she wins and accepts an award, thereby removing the student from the award competition for the second section.

To ensure full consideration applications should be submitted electronically by November 15 via e-mail to:
Emma Jingfei Zhang, Chair, B&E student paper award committee, 


 Applications must include the application form (PDF) and additional materials, attached to the application file, including :

  1. Paper: student must be the lead author and papers that have been accepted for publication are not eligible (limit 35 total pages, double-spaced).
  2. Letter of support from faculty advisor including student’s overall contribution on the submitted paper, confirmation of student’s eligibility (applicant is a student, or applicant completed work as a student during 2024), and paper’s publication status (limit 1 page).
  3. Copy of most recent transcript (or equivalent report) from student’s university.

Link to MS Word version of application form
Link to the PDF version of the application form

Please combine all documents into a single file.

Applicants should present their paper in a B&E session or participate in a B&E poster session.

Note: This application is for a student paper award only; you must apply separately to participate in the Joint Statistical Meetings as a presenter, in addition to registering for the conference:

These links are not active at this time - when JSM 2025 starts accepting registrations, we will add the links to those sites.

2024 Student Paper Awards

The Business and Economic Statistics Section announced the winners of the 2024 American Statistical Association Student Paper Awards, given by the section.  

  • Yihong Gu, Princeton University (Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering), “Environment Invariant Linear Least Squares”
  • Yi Zhang, Harvard University (Department of Statistics), “Individualized Policy Evaluation and Learning under Clustered Network Interference”
  • John Zito, Rice University (Department of Statistics), “The Projected Dynamic Linear Model for Time Series on the Sphere”
  • Angela Wyse, University of Chicago (Harris School of Public Policy), “Saved by Medicaid: New Evidence on Health Insurance and Mortality from the Universe of Low-Income Adults”

The award-winning students will present their papers at the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) in a Topic-Contributed session. The students will also receive a cash award.

For more details, including a complete list of the members of the 2024 B&E Student Paper Awards Committee, access the student awards announcement (PDF file).

Congratulations to the award winners for their submissions.


If you have any questions about the application requirements, please contact the B&E paper award committee chair, Emma Jingfei Zhang, at emma.zhang@emory.edu.