FY12 Statistical Agency Budget Developments

By Steve Pierson posted 06-09-2011 14:26

This blog entry tracks FY12 appropriations developments for the federal statistical agencies and so will updated accordingly.

[I update this today, December 23 to include the across-the-board cut of 0.189% for the Labor/HHS/Education accounts is last week's megabus for the remaining 9 approps bills. For recent blog entries, see Congress Starts to Finalize FY12 Science and Statistical Agency Budgets: NSF, Census, BEA, BJS, BTS, ERS, NASS and Stage Set for Final FY12 Budget Deliberations for Science and Statistical Agencies.]



Agency         FY10      FY11      Request       House       Senate       Conference
   BEA  $93M 93 108  93 91 92.2
   BJS 60 60 57.5 47 45  451
   BLS  611  610  547  620  611  6093
   BTS 27 27 35
32  274
   Census  7225  1150 1025  855  943 8882
   EIA 111
   ERS  82  81.8  86.0 69.5
   NASS 162
 148.3  152.6  158.6
   NCES (S+A)
 247  247 261
 247 248
   NCSES  41 41
 & &
   NCHS  139 138.7
 138.7  138.43
   ORES  28  28  35 &
& &5
   SOI  43 43
& &
Levels in millions of dollars; Agency abbreviations listed below; &Not available because of lack of sufficient detail in conference report
1The November 21 COSSA Washington Update reports that additional funding will be provided to BJS from Office of Justice grant and reimbursement program funds. The amount won't make up for the cut from the FY11 level but could be on the order of several millions of dollars.   
2The Conference Report transfers $55 million from the Census Working Capital fund to the Periodic Censuses and Programs account, apparently to make up for the shortfall in the conference number from the Senate level. The Census Working Capital fund is used for such essentials as salaries, HR, IT and security. A November 2011 GAO report has more on this fund: Commerce Departmental and Census Working Capital Funds Should Better Reflect Key Operating Principles.
3Not yet final; includes across-the-board cut of 0.189% 
4The BTS level is still in flux because of pending authorization decisions.
5The Megabus cuts the SSA "Research and Demonstration" budget, from which ORES receives its program funding, from $43 million to $8 million.

See also:

Statistical Agency abbreviations
BEA   Bureau of Economic Analysis
BJS   Bureau of Justice Statistics
BLS   Bureau of Labor Statistics
BTS   Bureau of Transportation Statistics
ERS    Economic Research Service
EIA    Energy Information Administration
NASS National Agricultural Statistics Service
NCES National Center for Education Statistics
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics
NCSES National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, NSF
ORES Office of Research, Evaluation, and Statistics, SSA
SOI   Statistics of Income Division, IRS
1 comment


10-24-2011 09:53

NASS announced program cuts as a result of its FY11 budget and anticipated FY12 budget in a 10/17 press release, "NASS Reduces Agricultural Estimation Programs": http://nass.usda.gov/Newsroom/Notices/10_17_2011.asp.