
  • Expedia Support/Representation at DataFests

    We have organized all materials related to Expedia at

    Note that anyone with the link can view and edit these documents, so please share conservatively, only with people involved in the organization of your event.

    First, please fill in the columns highlighted in blue in the document called 00 - ASA DataFest 2017 - Participating Sites. Then, Expedia representatives will fill in the columns highlighted in green.

    They will be present at your events either in person, via video call (BlueJeans, Skype, etc.), or via a video they put together that you can play for your students.

    Once they have entered the information for your event, you can contact Jan Krasnodebski ( for arrangements.

    Over the weekend of your event, there will also be a Google document where you can post questions. Adam from Expedia, who put together the dataset, will be answering these questions intermittently throughout the event weekends.

    Note that there is one document per weekend, and schools holding events during that weekend can all use that one document. You will also have access to past documents, where your questions might already be answered.

    You should always also feel free to email over the weekend with questions, but I would recommend putting data related questions that Expedia can answer in the Google doc, and the listserv for organizational questions.

    Important: Who should post questions on the Google doc, only organizers or students? It will certainly make your life easier if students post questions directly in there. However, if you will be choosing this option, please make sure to only share the link to the single Google doc for your event (and not the entire drive) with your students. You can peek at the older documents for answers to questions your students have, but sharing the entirety of the older document might give your students too many ideas based on what others did before, and we don't want that,
    periodically review the document to make sure nothing inappropriate is posted there, and
    tell your students do not delete any existing text in the documents.

    Alternatively, you can have your students come to the organizers with the questions and you can post them in the Google Doc. For smaller this might be feasible, for larger ones it might slow the process down. If you're choosing this route, I strongly recommend having a few organizers/mentors/consultants responsible for this role.