[Update 8/23/17: The tables below are now presented much more cleanly and neatly at this ASA webapge: http://www.amstat.org/asa/education/Statistics-and-Biostatistics-Degree-Data.aspx.]
[Update 6/19/18: The tables below have been updated with the 2017 degree data from NCES, showing a 22% increase for bachelors degrees, a 4% increase for Master's, and 5% for PhD's.]
[Update: 10/4/16: The October 2016 issue of Amstat News has this article on the 2015 data: Statistics, Biostatistics Degree Growth Sustained Through 2015. 7/21/16: NCES has released the preliminary 2015 degree data and I've updated the first three tables below, showing a 19% increase for bachelors degrees, a 14% increase for Master's, and PhD's holding steady. The figures and second set of tables have also been updated.]
The October Amstat News includes the annual article reporting the latest degree information from the National Center for Education Statistics: Statistics Degrees Continue Strong Growth. It shows the continued strong growth for undergraduate and graduate degrees: 17% increase for bachelor's over 2013; 8.5% for master's; and 9% for PhD's.
The data for the charts showing the growth in undergraduate and graduate statistics and biostatistics degrees are here (along with the percentage of degrees earned by women):
The previous three tables also breaks how many of the degrees being awarded to men and women.
This blog contains supplemental information on the growth of statistics and biostatistics degrees, updating information that has been previously provided in Amstat News articles or ASA Community blog entries:
See also Mitchel Watnick's list of graduate programs in Statistics and closely-related fields. Also of interest: Michael Lopez's, So you want a graduate degree in statistics?, Sherri Rose's Navigating Big Data Careers with a Statistics PhD, and SimplyStatistics' Pro Tips for Grad Students in Statistics/Biostatistics (and. more recently, A Short Guide for Students Interested in a Statistics PhD Program.)
The 2014 Amstat News article, Bachelor’s Degrees in Statistics Surge Another 20%, had two graphs showing increases in the number of universities granting graduate and undergraduate statistics and biostatistics degrees. Those charts are updated here:

For previous posts/articles on the growth of statistics degrees, AP Statistics, and postdocs, see the following (noting that #'s 8 & 9 include data on the number of women receiving degrees or the number of females taking AP Statistics):
- Bachelor’s Degrees in Statistics Surge Another 20%,Amstat News, September, 2014
- Universities and Colleges Creating New Undergraduate Statistics (and Related) Programs, December 8, 2014.
- Categorization of Statistics Degrees through CIP Codes and Growth in Statistics-Related Degrees, July 24 2014.
- Doctorate Degrees in Statistics and Biostatistics and the Universities Granting Them, 2003-2012, ASA Community Blog Entry, February 13, 2014
- Largest Master's Programs in Statistics and Biostatistics, ASA Community Blog Entry, February 9, 2014
- Largest Doctorate Programs in Statistics and Biostatistics, ASA Community Blog Entry, February 9, 2014
- Statistical Science Degree Comparisons (updated through 2012), ASA Community Blog Entry, December 20, 2013.
- AP Statistics Sustains Strong Growth in 2013, ASA Community Blog Entry, October 4, 2013.
- Undergrad Statistics Degrees Continue Large Increases in 2012, Amstat News, October, 2013.
- Postdoc Numbers Small but on the Rise for Statistics, ASA Community Blog Entry, September 9, 2013
- Growing Numbers of Stats Degrees, Amstat News, May, 2013.
- See also this April 2007 Amstat News article, "Statistical Sciences Produces High Percentage of Female New Doctoral Recipients," by Rosanne Desmone:http://www.amstat.org/misc/2007_DesmoneFemalesInStats.pdf
See other ASA Science Policy blog entries. For ASA science policy updates, follow @ASA_SciPol on Twitter.