JSM 2019 Student Paper Competition
Above, the finalists await Prof. Chad Schafer to reveal the winner of the student paper
competition at JSM 2019 in Denver, CO.
See the
Session Program for abstracts and more information.
Here is a link to the
current student paper competition.
Winner -- Axel WidmarkWidmark, A., 2019, A&A, 623, A30, Measuring the local matter density using Gaia DR2
https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2019/03/aa34718-18.pdfFinalist -- Francesca Capel, KTH Royal Institute if TechnologyCapel, F. & Mortlock, D.J., 2019, MNRAS, 484, 2324, Impact of using the ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray arrival energies to constrain source associations
https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article-abstract/484/2/2324/5287987?redirectedFrom=PDFFinalist -- Daniel Muthukrishna, University of CambridgeMuthukrishna, D., Narayan, G., Mandel, K.S., Biswas, R., and Hlozek, R., 2019, arXiv: 1904.00014, RAPID: Early Classification of Explosive Transients using Deep Learning
https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.00014.pdfFinalist -- Xixi Yu, Imperial College of Science & TechnologyYu, X., Del Zanna, G., Stenning, D.C., Cisewski-Kehe, J., Kashyap, V.L., Stein, N., van Dyk, D.A., Warren, H.P., and Weber, M.A., 2018, ApJ, 866, 146, Incorporating Uncertainties in Atomic Data into the Analysis of Solar and Stellar Observations:A Case Study in FeXIII