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  • Statistical & Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute Astrostatistics Program Workshop

    A year-long cross-disciplinary collaboration between astronomers and statisticians is beginning at the SAMSI institute in North Carolina USA. The Opening Workshop with registration deadline 1 July (see below). Workshop topics include time domain astronomy, wide-field surveys, exoplanet detection, gravitational wave detection, Bayesian astrophysics, and more. Location: Hamner Conference Center in Research Triangle Park, NC Description: A vast range of statistical problems arise in modern astronomical and space sciences research, particularly due to the flood of data produced by both ground-based and space-based astronomical surveys at many wave-bands. A resurgence of interest in statistical and applied mathematical methods has emerged among astronomers and astrophysicists as they seek insights into the physical phenomena underlying such complex data. Researchers often confront problems for which the common approaches in astronomy either inadequately utilize known methods or require the development of new methods. Although, astronomy was responsible for many important statistical concepts and methods in the past few centuries, in contrast with the biological and social sciences, the statistical needs of physical scientists have been neglected during past decades. Questions: email Workshop Organizers: G. Jogesh Babu, PSU Jessi Cisewski, Yale Ben Farr, U Chicago Eric Ford, PSU Matthew Graham, Cal Tech Joseph Guinness, NCSU Jeff Jewell, NASA JPL Soumendra Lahiri, NCSU Tom Loredo, Cornell Ashish Mahabal, Cal Tech Ilya Mandel, U Birmingham Chad Schafer, CMU Manuel Tiglio, UCSD Robert Wolpert, Duke SAMSI Directorate liaison: Sujit Ghosh