Participants in the 2024 Fall Data Challenge will engage in the statistical investigative process to explore and analyze police call-for-service data in conjunction with a second dataset of their choice from a city or state government data portal.
“Calls for service to law enforcement agencies generally include calls to “911” for emergency assistance and may also include calls to non-emergency numbers. Generally, “311” data is not included in calls for service data.” (calls for service - city open data)
This is your opportunity to uncover insights and tell a compelling story through data visualization and innovative analysis. Participants are encouraged to creatively combine these datasets, whether it's crime statistics, demographic information, or social services data, to develop data-driven solutions that could inform policy decisions, optimize resource allocation, or enhance community outreach programs.
As you begin your work, this paper from the American Political Science Review of interest.
Teams will share their insights with a panel of judges.