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Blog post of the month -- Capture Tweets with tweet_shot()

By Zheyu Wang posted 01-03-2018 18:07

This post is submitted by hrbrmstr on R-bloggers:

A Twitter discussion:

that spawned from Maëlle’s recent look-back post turned into a quick function for capturing an image of a Tweet/thread using webshot, rtweet, magickand glue.

Pass in a status id or a twitter URL and the function will grab an image of the mobile version of the tweet.

The ultimate goal is to make a function that builds a tweet using only R and magick. This will have to do until the new year.

tweet_shot <- function(statusid_or_url, zoom=3) {
require(glue, quietly=TRUE)
require(rtweet, quietly=TRUE)
require(magick, quietly=TRUE)
require(webshot, quietly=TRUE)

x <- statusid_or_url[1]
is_url <- grepl("^http[s]://", x)

if (is_url) {
is_twitter <- grepl("twitter", x)

is_status <- grepl("status", x)

already_mobile <- grepl("://mobile\\.", x)
if (!already_mobile) x <- sub("://twi", "://mobile.twi", x)
} else {
x <- rtweet::lookup_tweets(x)
stopifnot(nrow(x) > 0)
x <- glue_data(x, "{screen_name}/status/{status_id}")

tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
on.exit(unlink(tf), add=TRUE)

webshot(url=x, file=tf, zoom=zoom)
img <- image_read(tf)
img <- image_trim(img)

if (zoom > 1) img <- image_scale(img, scales::percent(1/zoom)) img }

Now just do one of these:

tweet_shot("947082036019388416") tweet_shot("")

to get:

