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A Phase I–II Basket Trial Design to Optimize Dose-Schedule Regimes Based on Delayed Outcomes" by Ruitao Lin

  • 1.  A Phase I–II Basket Trial Design to Optimize Dose-Schedule Regimes Based on Delayed Outcomes" by Ruitao Lin

    Posted 06-24-2020 08:32
    Non-members are now allowed to register for this webinar.

    The Paper "A Phase I–II Basket Trial Design to Optimize Dose-Schedule Regimes Based on Delayed Outcomes," by Ruitao Lin,  Peter F. Thall, and Ying Yuan, will be formally presented in a Webinar on Thursday, June 25, 2020, at 8:00 am PDT.


    The manuscript can be downloaded here: https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ba/1585360929


    Please, register for the Webinar using the following link: https://forms.gle/bhxus1yaMhQoJaED7


    The first 90 registrants will be able to participate interactively via the Zoom Conference platform; additional registrants will be able to view the Webinar live on our dedicated YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ISBAInternationalSocietyofBayesianAnalysis


    Rodney Sparapani