Non-Parametric Dose Response Models in Bayesian Adaptive Designs

When:  Feb 18, 2010 from 12:00 to 14:00 (ET)
There has been considerable recent interest in pharmaceutical R&D in the use of flexible, non-monotonic dose-response models. Two examples of this are the ASTIN study  (Krams et al, STROKE, 2003;34:2543-2548) and a proof-of-concept study in neuropathic pain (Smith et al, PHARMACEUTICAL STATISTICS, 2006;5:39-50) both of which used a flexible dose-response function based on the Normal Dynamic Linear Model (NDLM),  a model whose origins are in time series. This model is potentially very important since the work of the Pharma Working Group on Adaptive Dose-ranging Designs White paper of the PhRMA PISC working group on adaptivedose-ranging designs. (Bornkamp  et al, J. BIOPHARMACEUTICAL STATISTICS, 2007;17:965-995).indicated that a Bayesian adaptive design utilising the model outperformed alternative approaches. There are, however, other possibilities including splines and kernel regression. Up to now the use of this type of model has required tailor made programs of suites of programs. In this talk I show how the different approaches are related to one another and how there are particular advantages in using one form over another and how recent research
opens up different ways of fitting these models.


Rick Peterson