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Upcoming National Academies workshops on foundations of Digital Twins

  • 1.  Upcoming National Academies workshops on foundations of Digital Twins

    Posted 01-10-2023 15:08


    Opportunities and Challenges for Digital Twins

    The digital twin is an emerging technology with a wide range of potential applications, from personalized medicine to climate modeling to manufacturing.  Join the National Academies for three workshops on the mathematical, statistical, and computational foundations of digital twins.

    Opportunities and Challenges for Digital Twins in Biomedical Sciences
    Monday, January 30, 2023 from 10am to 4:30pm ET

    During this virtual workshop, speakers will discuss the definition of a digital twin within the context of biomedical research and identify current methods for their development and use.  Workshop panels will address digital twins across different scales, uncertainty quantification, data visualization, and privacy and ethics considerations. 


    Opportunities and Challenges for Digital Twins in Atmospheric, Climate, and Sustainability Science
    Wednesday, February 1, 2023 from 10am-2:30pm ET
    Thursday, February 2, 2023 from 10am-1pm ET

    During this virtual workshop, speakers-including Mike Goodchild (University of California - Santa Barbara), Venkatramani Balaji (Schmidt Futures), Amy McGovern (University of Oklahoma), Anima Anandkumar (California Institute of Technology)-will explore technical challenges for developing and using digital twins in atmospheric, climate, and sustainability science.  Discussions will include issues related to ML/AI, big data, and data assimilation. 


    Opportunities and Challenges for Digital Twins in Engineering
    Tuesday, February 7, 2023 from 10am-2pm ET
    Thursday, February 9, 2023 from 10am-2pm ET

    During this virtual workshop, speakers will use examples from oil and gas engineering, airframe sustainment, manufacturing, and more to discuss the definition of a digital twin and identify current methods, promising practices, and key technical challenges for their development and use. The workshop will focus on issues related to uncertainty quantification, data assimilation, and data visualization.


    These input gathering workshops are part of a larger National Academies' study on research gaps and future directions for digital twins.  Learn more and sign up for updates on the study website.

    Interested in the latest research on digital twins and their applications?  Consider checking another upcoming National Academies' event exploring implications of digital twin technologies for national security!


    The Future of Digital Twinning: Technological Challenges and Implications for National Security

    Developments in computing power, artificial intelligence, and big data are enabling replication of large complex systems with greater fidelity and predictive power. This includes the replication of social systems and cities, such as the Virtual Singapore project, to support urban planning, public safety, and enhanced security measures.

    Join the National Academies for a one-day unclassified virtual colloquium to explore how digital twins are used today, future applications, and implications for national security.  Colloquium presenters, including keynote speaker Dr. Michael Grieves, will address topics such as the applications of digital twins to the fields of behavioral anticipation, predictive analytics, advanced modeling and simulation, critical infrastructure systems, societal and city management, military systems, and cyber security.


    Steve Pierson
    Director of Science Policy
    American Statistical Association