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One Suggested Way to Direct Statistical Expertise to Help with Hurricane Fiona in Puerto Rico

  • 1.  One Suggested Way to Direct Statistical Expertise to Help with Hurricane Fiona in Puerto Rico

    Posted 09-19-2022 11:16
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    Hi everyone:

     Given the current natural disaster of Hurricane Fiona in Puerto Rico, I think the ASA community can use its expertise to suggest how to access datasets and other information to help in the search and rescue of vulnerable populations in Puerto Rico. Below are some points, as well an attachment poster that may be helpful.

    Attached is my poster (bullet points) on Hurricane Maria. It computes approximates of the number of people with two medical conditions in Puerto Rico -- End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and diabetes (Type 1 and 2).


    1. The information in the paper can be useful (e.g., references for locations of dialysis machines and Government and academic publications of number of people with ESRD). More direct information can be gotten from current Govt databases.


    1. Even though the computations are estimates, they provide ballpark figures for ESRD and diabetes patients.


    1. The estimates include demographics of those who were vulnerable to severe medical conditions and eventual death, e.g., those older than 60 and male.


    1. It identifies different Government resources ( e.g., FEMA satellite phones and DoD USS Comfort rescue ship) that were employed and the references discussing challenges  with each.


    1. It references subject matter experts (SMEs) within government (DHHS) and academia (including physicians) who are knowledgeable in the areas covered by the poster/paper.


    1. Finally, the poster was a more scale effort, but, perhaps, an appropriate representation of ASA members from government, academia and others who have knowledge with Government databases and may even know relevant subject areas to direct search and rescue of likely vulnerable populations.


    Thanks for allowing me to share this.






    Mark Y. Czarnolewski, Ph.D., LLC

    11231 Columbia Pike

    Silver Spring, MD 20901


    Mark Czarnolewski