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JRC 2024: Abstract Submission CLOSING SOON!

  • 1.  JRC 2024: Abstract Submission CLOSING SOON!

    Posted 02-23-2024 15:05
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    Hi everyone, this is a gentle reminder that abstract submission for the 2024 JRC on Statistics in Quality, Industry, and Technology (described below) is closing February 29. So, if you, a colleague, or your students intend to submit an abstract please do so in the next week. Note that this deadline also coincides with the deadline to apply for student support.  
    The 2024 Joint Research Conference (JRC) on Statistics in Quality, Industry and Technology will be held in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada from June 17-20, 2024 at the University of Waterloo. This is a joint meeting of the 29th Spring Research Conference on Statistics in Industry and Technology and the 40th Quality and Productivity Research Conference. The conference is co-sponsored by the ASA Section on Quality and Productivity and the ASA Section on Physical & Engineering Sciences, and the IMS. Organization of this conference is also in partnership with Virginia Tech. 

    The theme of this year's conference is Data Science and Statistics for Industrial Innovation, and it will honour Dr. Stefan Steiner, Professor and past Chair of the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Waterloo. The technical program will focus on statistical methodology and creative problem solving to address scientific, industrial, and business challenges, drawing upon advances from the fields of statistics, machine learning, and data science. For an additional fee, participants may register for a full-day, interactive short course (held on June 17) concerning an "Introduction to Large Language Models". This course will be instructed by Ming Li, Director of Data Science at PetSmart and Adjunct Instructor at the University of Washington.


    Registration and abstract submission are now open. And thanks to generous support from the NSF and CANSSI, financial aid for student participation is available. For more information see the conference website ( or contact Nathaniel Stevens (


    Nathaniel Stevens
    Assistant Professor
    University of Waterloo


    JRC2024_flyer.pdf   179 KB 1 version