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Faculty positions, Department of Statistics, UC Berkeley

  • 1.  Faculty positions, Department of Statistics, UC Berkeley

    Posted 11-22-2021 22:44
    Dear Colleague,
    I am writing to bring to your attention two faculty searches in the Department of Statistics at UC Berkeley this fall. Please note the December application deadlines. 
    1. Assistant Professor, tenure-track position, with a focus on Applied Statistics and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, application deadline on December 22, 2021 [application website].
    2. Assistant Teaching Professor, a.k.a., Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment (LPSOE), akin to a tenure-track position with a focus on teaching, application deadline on December 19, 2021 [application website].
    This is a particularly exciting time to be at Berkeley, with the creation of the new Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS). We are thrilled to have been authorized to search for these positions and look forward to welcoming new colleagues to our department. 
    I would appreciate it greatly if you could recommend candidates and distribute this announcement. 
    With thanks and best regards,

    Sandrine Dudoit
    University of California-Berkeley