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Science vs Pseudoscience: Individuals vs Communities | Philosophy of Data Science Series

  • 1.  Science vs Pseudoscience: Individuals vs Communities | Philosophy of Data Science Series

    Posted 07-01-2021 23:19
    Science vs Pseudoscience: Individuals vs Communities  |  Philosophy of Data Science Series

    Watch it on ... YouTube
    What defines an activity as being pseudoscientific? Is it more fruitful to consider the actions of individual scientists? Or instead when scientific communities are acting pseudo-scientifically? Kevin Zollman (Carnegie Mellon University) provides arguments for why focusing on communities allows for the needed trade-off between consensus and dissent.

    Enjoy the episode!

    p.s. Is "Science vs Pseudoscience" not your cup of tea? You can check other full episodes and short clips here.

    Glen Wright Colopy
    DPhil Oxon
    Data Scientist at Cenduit LLC, Durham, NC