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Three ISBIS Webinars (Kathy Ensor, Bonnie Ray, Data Science in Industry)

  • 1.  Three ISBIS Webinars (Kathy Ensor, Bonnie Ray, Data Science in Industry)

    Posted 01-19-2021 05:56
    Dear all,
    I would like to inform you about the following webinars organised by ISBIS (International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics, an Association of the International Statitical Institute,
    ), and
    y-BIS, the young statisticians' section.
    - Leading Women in Business and Industrial Statistics
    * January, 22nd, 16.00-17.00 CET (Roma, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam)
      Katie Ensor (Rice University, USA; ASMBI Editor; ASA President-Elect)
      "Quantitative Finance and the Critical Role of Statistics and Data Science"
      Register at
    * February, 19th, 16.00-17.00 CET (Roma, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam)
      Bonnie Ray (Vice President, Data Science, Talkspace, USA)
      "A statistician reads the news: Statistics and data science challenges in content analytics"
      Register at
    - y-BIS Data Science in Industry Webinar
      January, 28th, 21.00-23.00 CET (Roma, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam)
      * Maxine Qian, Data Scientist, Pinterest, USA
        "3 Ways to Improve Offline Experiment Sensitivity"
      * Jennifer Zhu, Deep Learning Scientist, Amazon, USA
        "Using Artificial Intelligence to Automate Clinical Workflows"
      * Melanie Palmer, Senior Data Scientist, T-Mobile, USA
        "Reshaping Refunds with Data Science: How Text Analytics Uncovers Pain
        Points to Improve Customer Experience"
       Register at
    I would like also to inform you that it is possible to watch the video of the first webinar of the series on Leading Women in Business and Industrial Statistics:
      - Antonietta Mira (Universita' della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland, and Universita' dell'Insubria, Italy)
      - Federica Bianchi (University of Glasgow, UK)
        "The social structure of financial networks"
    Best regards
    Fabrizio Ruggeri
    ISBIS President
    ISI Vice President

    Fabrizio Ruggeri